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Posts posted by necronx99

  1. Crossy, I'm bringing a container to LOS from Australia, is there anything you reccomend I would need or should have done to the wiring of my build that cannot be sourced in Thailand and I should consider purchasing here instead?

    As I will be bringing all AU appliances a bunch of indoor and outdoor AU domestic wall sockets is on my list.

  2. Most tourist destinations have double pricing, it's not limited to LOS though here is can seem arbitary and seems to apply to the whole country..

    With parks in particular this is a worldwide practise I would say. The rational is that locals keep the parks going in low season and would not pay the high tourist price to do so, also locals are often the tourguide for visitors and would not bring tourists tot he attractions if they were going to pay the higher price.

  3. We get our water from a well and I have so only installed a sediment filter since our water only contains 150ppm of Ca. With the Waterco filter the back-wash needs to be done manually and there is a sight-glass that let one knows when it is time. My filter is installed in our pump room before the storage tanks. We have two pumps, one larger for our domestic water and one smaller for the sprinklers, both are Grundfos. The sprinkler pump is hidden behind the larger pump on the picture below.


    ''I don't believe this was installed by Thai's or it actually only needs one pipe and stopcock, in which case, yeah.
  4. Malted Barley? You are thinking of home brewing perhaps? Not sure if its allowed, but I suspect lots do it on quiet. In the UK I would go to Boots but have not seen it on thr shelves here and if you ask, I suspect it will be "no have." even though they have no idea what you are asking for, its easiest to do that. Maybe you could try writing to Boots head Office in Thailand see what response you get or, you have to be lucky and find a Thai who speaks English and understands what it is you are looking for. When I am in a pharamacy I will look for you, you might try the BKK or Pattaya forums with more "tourists" there you may find it easier to find.

    Thanks Exeter. Everyone has to have a hobby, mine is baking..yeh, lets just call it that. licklips.gif

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