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Everything posted by baboon

  1. The pedant in me suggests that the UK held the gun to their own head, Blazing Saddles style. But the EU said, 'Fine. Pull the trigger, then.' We elected not to, but keep trying that same stunt over and over again. However the adults move on and leave us as the gibbering wreck in the corner...
  2. Alas, in my opinion, the BNPKIP now masquerading as the CONs actively seek confrontation with the EU. How else can they explain to their people why the promised earthly paradise is not unfolding?
  3. OK. But do you remember the last few months of the Soviet Union? When Gorbachev was president of the Union, but Yeltsin, who was the democratically elected premier of Russia, simply declared All Union laws null and void on the territory of the Russian Federation? This would be impossible in the US?
  4. A genuine question to American posters: If any state(s) decided they had had enough of the Union, could they secede from the United States? Realistically, that is?
  5. But you do know the government has a large army, drones, tanks, warplanes, tactical nuclear weapons... Plus 2 in 3 of the civilian population who do not want to take up arms. I don't see it going well from an outsiders' perspective....
  6. And do you really expect a sensible answer?
  7. Really? Yet other Brexiters say it hasn't begun yet...
  8. Government setting wages? That's a bit left wing...
  9. What an absolute steaming pile of Grade 'A' manure. Do you seriously expect anyone to buy that? Anyone at all?
  10. That can't be. We have already been told on this thread that the delays are nothing to do with Brexit, so clearly the French are not on a go slow. It's just that imagination of yours running wild.
  11. I thought Rory Stewart was at least a decent man too. Not my cup of sunshine, but no wonder he was evicted from the BNPKIP version of the CON party today. And then there is Peter Hitchens. Not a politician, but a 'conservative' I hold in regard. His books are excellent and thought provoking.
  12. In the meanwhile, his hedge fund blooms. What is the definition of those who seek to collapse the economy and currency to enrich themselves and their sidekicks? Oh yes, 'Treason' is the word.
  13. Or reunite and leave the UK. It looks like the Scots want out, too. I would rather they both remained, but who can blame either or both from getting away from BlueKip rule and determining their own future? I wonder which Prime Minister will be the one to proudly declare to the monarch, the end of the United Kingdom as we know it?
  14. Well it was not mentioned in the OP to this thread, so I had a Google around and guess what? Nothing. How very odd...
  15. Yes, but from which news story was the accusation derived, is my question.
  16. It was a perfectly honest question. I hadn't read that it was the case, so can you point me in the right direction?
  17. Who is saying they aren't / weren't turning up for work?
  18. The border officials are not on strike or in dispute. And why aren't nationals of other countries complaining?
  19. How is any of this relevant to what I posted?
  20. Who is suffering, us or the French? That makes it our problem, not theirs.
  21. Spite over what? What have we done to them?
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