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Everything posted by baboon

  1. Again: I do take on board what you are saying. And I wouldn't have endorsed it myself, but I can imagine Thais thinking 'Well it's just a scrap of paper which can be torn up at the earliest convenience of the next hooligan who decides to be our leader'. And that it all it is. A crappy scrap of paper which can be ripped up if need be. That swine Prayuth had no trouble balling up and chucking the previous one into the dustbin.
  2. I feel you, but remember it was a case of 'either vote for this constitution or we will impose our own. And you can forget about any upcoming election'. In short, they were blackmailed and browbeaten into voting for it.
  3. I see you know as much about the unemployed as you do on how they claim their benefits.
  4. His popularity was down the toilet with both the public and his own party. Even if he did come back, they would have him back out again before you could say 'I followed the ministerial guidelines at all times'. The man was so full of sh#t he could have been mistaken for the British coastline.
  5. So now you expect people to cycle miles to an airport in the middle of the night in winter for a poorly paid zero hours gig? Wow. You're all heart. And Heathrow is not the only airport in the UK, believe it or not.
  6. You developed some major Stockholm syndrome on that council estate of yours...
  7. How do you get to an airport for an 04:00 start without a vehicle?
  8. And how do you claim Universal Credit without a phone?
  9. Well get yourself away to Ukraine if you feel like going to war in Europe. Enjoy!
  10. Just as an aside, what TVs are available other than flat screen ones? And how does one go about claiming their lavish dole money without access to the internet? The grumpy old right wingers on here have a mindset that dates from the time of the Flintstones...
  11. And it took as long 3 weeks only because of the passing of Her Majesty...
  12. Who? Who might say that and how much money would they be on?
  13. Not borrowing billions to give to people who don't need it would be a good start.
  14. It is now plain for all to see that Britain's mortal enemies are not Xi or Putin, but our own government. Tory voters, give yourselves a round of applause.
  15. What was it Bill Burr said about Pitbulls? Oh yes, "A gun you can pet"...
  16. Chemical, conceivably. But even a 'small' tactical nuke is anything but small nowadays. It wouldn't help his objectives one bit.
  17. Yes, I'm afraid it is. But listening to his partial mobilisation speech today, let's remember he said he would take nothing off the table if Russia's sovereignty was breached. It isn't being. The devil is in the detail of his words. Demented he might be, but who in the world actually thinks NATO would stand idly by if he starts throwing nukes around. Besides, the radioactive fallout is no respector of national borders, his included. And 70% of his people live in European Russia.
  18. Clearly one of us is getting the wrong end of the stick, so I think we had better leave it there. Enjoy your afternoon.
  19. Actually no, I didn't. I asked another poster how much more protection they needed over and above what they already have. And in answer to your question, you would need to speak to the American secret service about it, not me.
  20. I have already explained to you that your "flag" post was removed for trolling. And as such, I am not willing to risk sanctioning by responding.
  21. Could you please rephrase the question as what you wrote before was basically rhetorical.
  22. I do not know what you want me to answer. Perhaps you could rephrase the question?
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