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  1. Not mentioned, or ignored with blinkers on, in this thread with regards to tax, are two HUGE issues. 1. Digital ID 2. CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). These pearls combined will have no reason for anyone to think about most of the points raised. If unsure, do some research. You wont have to look far. Does anyone think that the 10,000 'free' baht for citizens is the govt just being nice? It's not. This is just a step to getting everyone on CBDCs. Reflect upon the good times, as the future isn't bright.
  2. Everyone making negative comments on the looks of these girls should have to post a pic of themselves and their wife / gf with their post, just by way of comparison. If no partner, please include your mother's basement as the background.
  3. ???? The supposed collapse of the AUD isn't a thing. It's the rise of the USD, which as I predicted, has turned around. Up 4 cents in two weeks, with more to come.
  4. Spending up 19.1% YOY. Oh there is going to be some pain paying off those credit cards.
  5. My mother has a propensity to imagine something, not do any research, and then decide that it's fact. This also seems prevalent amongst posters in this thread.
  6. I just spent 9 weeks there. Makati, Dauin, Dumaguete, Bacolod, Iloilo, Pasay, Subic / Olongapo / Barrio, Makati. No problems, but begging kids probably need to be watched. I don't put anything in my pockets.
  7. Lines pretty much anywhere are a result of poor management, poor planning, or laziness.
  8. 4 tests, yes, but you dont have to 'pass' them all to remain tax resident. You can be tax resident without setting foot in the country for many years, like me. https://www.ato.gov.au/Individuals/coming-to-australia-or-going-overseas/Your-tax-residency/
  9. Not a thing. You don't have to do that at all to remain tax resident.
  10. So many opinions, which are simply wrong. Oh well. It's the way of the world.
  11. Copying stuff they see on tv?
  12. On the topic of driving license, is it possible to renew the 5 year license early? As in 3.5 years early?
  13. Living. Of course he could fade away in a series of happy hour bars instead.
  14. I just came here to read the comments, and I wasn't disappointed. From those that evidently have the reading skills of a 4 year old village kid, to the standard 'I see better in 7 Eleven' and 'ladyboy' jibes. Perhaps future similar comments on pageants should include pics of the commenters current or most recent squeeze. ????
  15. You don't automatically become tax non-resident. It's a process you have to go through, which often ends up being financially detrimental. Having asked the ATO the question on non-residency vs over 60 tax just recently, they said that you will be taxed as a non-resident firstly (ie 32.5% on every dollar, no tax free threshold) and then get a tax offset of 10% on the tax liability. If on a pension, that is quite the loss. My thoughts on your bigger picture. Cash out all your super and quickly put it into something that will at least hold some value. Money in the bank (or super) is losing value every day, and will continue to do so. Precious metals would be the leading solution, and it's a good buyers market now.
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