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Everything posted by oznomad

  1. Woops. Forgot to offer my thanks for the clarification. Thanks UJ.
  2. It's a brand new reentry permit, obtained last week. I think UJ's response fixes all for me (hopefully) Thanks for your response too.
  3. Yes Joe. I am in Thailand now, and got a re-entry permit last week. My fear was fronting up to immigration at the airport on the return in August and being told nope, leg it nugget.
  4. I have been trying to find a TGIA listed insurance company that will provide the cover required by immigration, for a two month period between returning to Thailand and the renewal date of my OA extension. The companies that actually replied have provided no joy. 12 months policies only. Do I want to pay 50k for two months insurance? Nope. Do I want to get a 12 month policy and then only be given 9 or 10 months by immigration on a subsequent extension? Nope. Can I: a) just arrive, be denied entry under the OA extension due to lack of insurance, and enter as a tourist? b) cancel my OA extension (is that even possible?) and arrive as a tourist? Wide open to other suggestions with a proven track record. TIA.
  5. For OA, yes. This is also what I seek recommendations for.
  6. Thanks, but......... A couple of points. 1. The Tune Protect policy in question is really a policy from another company, ACS. 2. I emailed TGIA today, for an up to date list. Neither Tune nor ACS appear on that list. https://longstay.tgia.org/document/companies_contact_list202203.pdf Still looking.
  7. I've been searching Aseannow for info on the OA insurance, and who might offer the best deal. Searches produced nothing, but I know there are threads there. This quoted post got me excited, until I checked the TGIA OA page, and Tune Protect isnt on it. Other suggestions most welcome.
  8. Hang on. Where was your committee, your lengthy liquid lunch meetings, your per diems? Impossible to come up with a solution without those.
  9. Yet another fine citizen. The west is doing it's best to disappear up it's own fundamental orifice, and peabrains like this guy seem to be increasing in their numbers here. Might be time to look at alternatives.
  10. Ladyboy or not, I would be telling the family member to go plait their doodoo. These countries where 'family members' are automatically granted huge powers over other adults need to have a good hard look at themselves.
  11. International Living is the expat's version of a comic book. It is extremely economical with the truth, and tells the wide eyed populous what they want to hear, just so long as it conforms to the agenda of the 'magazine'. Think of a girl that has worked bars in Walking Street for 15 years for an equivalent.
  12. I did a little trial. With panels about as dirty as yours, I checked the output. Gave them a good wash. Output the same. Moral of the story - dont stress about a bit of dirt. Disclaimer - if you live where sea spray could accumulate and start corrosion it's a different story.
  13. Because governments always do such a fantastic job of operating such things. Just make it easier for the private sector to do it, and get out of the way.
  14. Marriage before 60 should be illegal
  15. Actually, since Sep 2020, there have been 5 million 'idiots' on 240 ships, visiting 87 countries. Perhaps a broadening of your horizons might be of advantage.
  16. That's all very well, except for a few things. Will the desired rich tourists pick up a pad thai and a beer for lunch at a family restaurant? Will they weave through markets, buying t-shirts, elephant pants, and a few spare pairs of jocks? Will they rent beach chairs, buy beers from the chair owner and street food from the peddlers? Will they make their way around in baht buses, tuk tuks, motorbike taxis? Will they go on pub / bar crawls, spending their money in 10 different places in a night? Will they stay in 2 or 3 star accommodation, either in cities or in rural areas? Will they slip into a dingy massage shop for a therapeutic rub? No? How will the Thais that have been providing these services, and have struggled through covid, waiting for things to get better, make a living in the years to come? Perhaps the 5 star hotels might share their profits with those mentioned above, and it will all be just rosy. As always, zero thought has gone into the plan.
  17. Who will do the instructing? I can't see 'driving instructor' being on a work permit.
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