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  1. Even worse...go look at what's happened to Nha Trang in Vietnam in the past 8-10 years...Russkies totally run that town now.
  2. Christmas card in a bulging brown envelope you mean?
  3. Not sure why they did that...and hopefully won't do it again. I was in Europe for almost 3 months this summer. When I returned home in Chiang Mai in October, I updated my TM30. Had a weeklong road trip through northern Thailand on my motorcycle in early December and then spent Christmas/NYE in Pattaya and Bangkok. Did my 90-day report (based on my October return to LOS) earlier this month with no problems. The guy in the box looked at my TM30 and actually gave me a thumbs-up gesture and didn't say a word about not having a TM6.
  4. As bad as noise pollution can be in Thailand, it pales in comparison to Vietnam with their constant honking of vehicle horns and a plethora of other obnoxious noises.

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