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Posts posted by Phredd

  1. {"although arrivals from India had grown substantially, up 35 percent, Bloomberg reported".}

          Be very careful of Percentages when used to explain, as above. Example - Did you know that last year 75% of the Girls who went to Harvard University married their Professors? True story! Why? As only 3 Girls went to Harvard University last year. Well it may have been 30 year or more ago, but I hope you get my drift. In this situation on India 170 arrived this year where only 100 arrived the year before. ????

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  2. I didn't have a chance to argue, when I did something similar where I hangout, a Camera got me. ???? However there are more 'interesting' places in the Town, where to me, they'd never have to work an another day of their lives, if the Cameras were inserted at those intersections? An other example was a 500 for one of my 3 Stoplights not working, and the list goes on. ????  "Mai Pen Rai"  I'm just a little concerned that living with them one may get to be as them! ????

  3. I wanted to have Pictures of Road Victims displayed on the side of the roads similar to 'Cigarette" Packets in our village, but I was told that "Children" would see them, so we can't do that! Yet they let 7/8 year olds drive at 80kmh down the main road where only 3 days ago a lady was killed by an obvious drunk. ????  'Pom Mai Cow Jay" (sic) My apologies if any "Children Drivers" see these photos.... NOT! P.S. This is not as bad as some I tried to use by way of convincing our Village Leader to place the signs.


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