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Posts posted by mike787

  1. 3 hours ago, Mr Smithy said:

    CPAP can increase the work of breathing as exhalation against +ve pressure requires effort as opposed to exhaling to normal atmospheric pressure which is passive ........

    The application of CPAP maintains PEEP, can decrease atelectasis, increases the surface area of the alveolus, improves V/Q matching, and hence, improves oxygenation. It can also indirectly aid in ventilation, although CPAP alone is often inadequate for supporting ventilation, which requires additional pressure support during inspiration (IPAP on BiPAP) for non-invasive ventilation.  THerefore, it is better than nothing. 

  2. CPAP does not treat pneumonia directly, however it can reduce the work-of-breathing often seen with pneumonia and ARDS ... Near drowning patients may also have significant hypoxia and bronchospasm, both of which can be effectively treated with CPAP. With the positive effects of CPAP on non-cardiac pulmonary edema.

  3. 2 minutes ago, notyouraveragefarang said:

    Thank you my friend.  She's over 6 months pregnant and really wants to get back with the husband.  Otherwise its coming along, which she doesn't want to do, or staying back in the States and having the baby while staying with family.  Ugh.

    Check with THai embassy/immigration and or UbonJoe, the Oracle here.  Good luck

  4. When surrounded by a bivey of hot thai girls in paradise, i cannot stay away whatever the consequences...it's like asking people to give cigs, beers, sports, and sex. NO way!  People know they will die from these vices but keep investing every day to kill themselves...how do you explain that???  HUH????



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