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  1. Why is no one considering the Koh Tao serial killer? Perhaps KT has tightened securitt enough to where the killer moved shop? The m.o. of faked hanging/drowning matches KT.
  2. Its scientifically proven that potheads produce more spunk than drunks. And a good weed shop never stinks, because good weed stays sealed up. If you walked into a cigar shop, and it stank of cigars, you would be buying dry cigars (dry=bad). You all seem a bit confused and prone to argument. Hmmm
  3. readers of AsiaExpat are fascinated by DJT stories because most of them are old white men feeling good about behaving badly, and DJT is the current world-champion of old white men behaving badly
  4. I have a second sister named BurritoBoy
  5. Thats ridiculous. Which SouthEast Asian country has more foreign auto production than Thailand? The Kingdom exports vehicles in addition to meeting domestic demand.
  6. Roughly half of the 10,000 condos bought by foreigners this year were in "Chonburi" (read, Pattaya). How do we think those flat owners spend their time? Morality aside, more Chinese and Kazakhs coming through for playtime means a big bump in income for Pattaya. China is suddenly rich and the Kazakhs who hold passports often have significant wealth from the oil business. Foreigners that live more modestly, but are fleeing war/oppression in their home country, are ripe targets for the brown envelope game, or worse. Unless they are sophisticated enough to hide their funds in third country bank accounts. Do we think draft-fleeing Boris has that level of game? Probably not.
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