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Burma Bill

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  1. Just a pleasant memory these days. One Sunday a month at Steak Kev's in Chumphae, Khon Kaen, Province. Isaan. Roast beef, chicken or pork will all the trimmings including homemade Yorkshire Pudding, roast and mashed potatoes! https://scontent.fpnh1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/476831999_2005902606488691_999174563751541557_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s720x720_tt6&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=127cfc&_nc_ohc=pwm-PwJxj48Q7kNvgFU0Xl8&_nc_oc=AdmaQnU4WZ6izsAAuBefsvyRbaNl772V9wkZR6g7Oop9KSBOW9NM43WrbLwVWYX2ZQE&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fpnh1-2.fna&_nc_gid=VX_oG_JvgPRCWN242hN3Sw&oh=00_AYEhnOzIvbrBR_Z4GqFSdzQLAZSgHaUCpv8W_5_qvf82oA&oe=67E9852B The bar/restaurant closed during Covid and the English Chef (above) sadly passed away recently.
  2. Operating black market activities?
  3. With all the anti news coming out of Pattaya these days, I wonder why so many flock to this ars....le of a resort! Certainly not quality tourists.
  4. Once up and flying, no doubt the budget airlines will have an impact on the new High Speed Train service to Bangkok (when completed!)
  5. For reference; If Chinese yuan, 2,000 = 9360 Thai baht. If Japanese yen, 2,000 = 454 Thai baht. Exchange rate - 24/3/2025.
  6. My thought as well when I read the time of the accident - 04.00am! (alcohol and/or drugs)
  7. Thanks for your comment and with respect, I am not drunk now - I do not drink alcohol these days, being a Type 2 insulin dependent diabetic.
  8. As a UK Citizen, sadly I have to agree, BUT the Brits are not the highest consumers of alcohol (reference Google) - Source: Eurostat. The EU country with the biggest share of its population drinking alcohol on a weekly basis is the Netherlands (47.3 per cent), Luxembourg (43.1 per cent), and Belgium (40.8 per cent).Jun 30, 2023
  9. Yes, you are correct. Thai Lion Air and NOK Air fly from CNX to DMK (Don Mueang). Thai Viet Jet, Bangkok Airways and THAI Airways fly to BKK (Suvarnabhumi) There are a limited number of flights with Thai Air Asia to BKK, the majority terminating at DMK. https://www.trip.com/flights/airport-cnx-bkk/?locale=en_xx&curr=usd&allianceid=742331&sid=25228287&ppcid=ckid-37194349351_adid-679124870365_akid-kwd-2369073420469_adgid-153771948703&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=2072509
  10. Yes, you are correct. NOK Air, also Thai Lion Air, only fly to Don Mueang Airport (DMK). Thai Viet Jet, Thai Air Asia (limited flights), Bangkok Airways and Thai Airways fly to Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK). reference: https://www.trip.com/flights/chiang-mai-to-/tickets-cnx-bkk?dcity=cnx&acity=bkk&ddate=2025-03-21&rdate=2025-03-24&dairport=cnx&aairport=bkk&triptype=ow&class=y&lowpricesource=searchform&quantity=1&searchboxarg=t&nonstoponly=off&sort=price
  11. Why didn't someone call the emergency number 1669? Utterly disgraceful - i wonder how much pain the poor lad was experiencing. Again, utterly disgraceful. I hope the Burmese family sue the Thai authorities right up to the hilt! I wish them every success. If the student had been a Thai, his family would be out to grab as much money as they could. Thailand, the hub of money grabbers! RIP young Burmese student and sincere condolences to your family.
  12. In recent post covid times, I travelled by train from Don Meaung Old Station to Chiang Mai. The only seat available was in a Third Class train with no refreshment/buffet car. However, throughout the journey, food and drinks (including beer) were available. Various vendors boarded the train selling to customers at their seats. Chilled cans of Beer Chang dispensed from cool boxes were enjoyed by me throughout my journey. No alcohol prohibition law on that particular train!
  13. Something for the local police to get their teeth into!!
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