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Posts posted by InsertNameHere

  1. On 3/5/2020 at 8:23 AM, tonray said:

    Everybody attacking Thai Immigration for doing their job. The Japanese guy knew the rules when he entered the country....he was an illigal immigrant...the same kind that you all rail against when inside the borders of your own sovereign nations....get him out...if you don't have the decency or the smarts to obey local laws as a guest in a foreign country....then you deserve arrest and deportation.

    And like to add if the ones that complain and talk <deleted> about how it is here then go back to your own country and complain about how it is there the same as you do here. TV is nothing more than a bash fest on the Thai people or government mind you some have wives and children here at the same time. 

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  2. 56 minutes ago, paddypower said:

    I think its unkind to 'blame' Thais for not being proactive enough to put away some money for a rainy day. We expats have the benefit of a decent education, which included learning about cause and effect. A Thai would sell their vote, for a pittance, not realizing that such a decision will likely have negative effects for them and for the country. I'll contine to never look down on those less fortunate. Joan Baez sang it best.

    Yes, the majority on this site are people who have think they have the privileged of downing another. Factors based on which starts from the top. When you have no money you do what ever it takes to get money to survive. This caused by the systems in which we adopt in use all around the world and is the effects from this thing called capitalism.  Many on here should be ashamed at the way they talk about thai people when the people can not do much as we all are product of society/culture. The blame is on the top wealth thai or non thai. 

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  3. 26 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

    COVID-19 will be around for a long time , even closing borders etc can only delay the spread of it , not prevent it ...


    This outbreak is the result of the relationship between people and wild animals , as people are taking away their habitats around the world and now we see many more zoonotic infections .

    We are all Animals or should I say Organisms on this planet. It is the Human that creates these issues as he tries to be something other than what we all are. In these ideals and this thing called thought is where these problems start.

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  4. I do not see how this can be true since in china news there is not cure or anything and the possibility of a vaccine will be likely at least months to a year to develop. I watch all media here, china, and the US and I have yet to see anywhere with a cure only things to help speed up recovery which may or not work on every individual. There are so many factors you need to consider before anything is LABELED a cure or help prevent anything. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Kemp87 said:

    Not sure about regular daily increases, normal Thai folk can’t afford to be tested. And they won’t test you unless you’ve been China/japan/Korea. Defies all logic, it’s all about money again, but it’ll be Thailand’s downfall unfortunately, as they’ll lose way more when the economy collapses. Korea is testing about 50,000 per day.

    I had posted something about this yesterday it is a money game at this point and only caters to the people who can afford testing or any kind of treatments. Bangkok hospitals charge big bucks especially if you a foreigner. The question arises so not everyone lives in Bangkok and the outer limits are mostly people with no money or should I say big money so who is checking them? Are they being reported? Some may have it and not even know. Around my area I would say very few are wearing anything to protect themselves or others. To me there seems to be a lack of anyone taking this as a serious matter. So much lack of information provided that one watches or read the news.

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  6. This is how hospitals and governments make money. I am sure if it was a Thai national these figures would no where this high. So, since it only approved hospitals and the money is outrages so you mean to tell me that if I was a thai getting the same service the price would be same? And so since it is only certain hospitals so then the other ones where thai's go are not credible? If so, would that not be a an issue for many thai's in thailand?

  7. 8 hours ago, JustAnotherFarang said:

    That was an incredibly uncomfortable viewing, how can any man justify a beating like that.  The teen was down on the ground, is that really a reason to give him a good stomping on as well.  Its sickening to watch thai society accept these things as normal.


    Every time I see a video on the news when a man is down on the ground it's like the thing to do as they always kick to the head or stomp the upper area and if there are many around they all gang up (not the by stander) 

  8. 6 hours ago, Canuck1966 said:

    Yeh being a cheap charlie is reserved for the local plebs

    What and how do you classify a "cheap charlie" as you call them since you stated it's about 95% of the population? 

    You speak like you are 10. So before you call people plebs go back to pleb school and learn how to have an intelligent conversation with out trying to make yourself bigger in a online forums. Your type pf behavior I can tell the Thai people really want here in Thailand especially the ones who think they are above the rest here.

  9. 1 hour ago, dbrenn said:

    But the old have all the guns, and all the cash, so don't hold your breath. 

    this is true it only takes mass killings as you know thais do not care about dying it is the wealthy that care about death. Its like the saying a dog will bite back once it feels it is in danger. Whether or not changes will happen in or not in our lifetime the wealthy can not stay rich for ever. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, dbrenn said:

    Call it what you like, but it's in charge, peace has been restored, and students should be studying for their exams anyway, or they'll fail them and their futures will be extinguished. 

    Call it what you like? Peace been restored? I do not you learn anything about history and movements. As the older generations fade newer generations emerge and no matter what and when things do change no matter where you go. Revolutions have been around for generations and they are formed when the new get tired of the old. This not like in the US where movements are hardly formed and the people are not scared of dying Thailand may have a hold on the situation for now but do they really just look around you. You can not say that thing here are peaceful.

  11. 6 hours ago, Old Fool said:

    I have a thai wife so...

    Question why do you want to buy land? No matter how you spin it no FOREIGNER legally cannot buy any land here. Why play Russian roulette with the government with lawyers and loop holes just to gain land? It always is still under a thai national. Now, if you are doing it for children or family issues then do it the legal way with your wife? When the government cracks down on the foreigners who are trying to do what the thai government does not want foreigners owning anything here. These law are put there cause of this very thing and change as the foreigner finds loop holes to go around or bend the rules to suit them. But, what do I know as I am just a guy living life here without wanting to bring attention or look for ways around the system. If and when I can no longer be here I will simply leave out of no control of my own. It is always the foreigner changes in the system not the thai wanting to make life hard for the honest couple. 

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  12. On 2/20/2020 at 9:34 AM, darksidedog said:

    Much as I dislike keeping large chunks of money in Thai banks, they are a lot safer than having 1,000,000 in the house in cash. One has to ask who else knew the money was there? Many burglaries are the result of inside information after all.

    When you want to flaunt as I say "wealth" when it comes to money everyone is a target. Do not  even feel sorry for them this is a classic example of people that are doing better than most to talk about what they had. Do not draw attention, do not show off, do not wear or dress up in so called lavish clothing, etc. this is all the products of people with wealth then another. These types of things happen a global scale and is not subject to only thia's or thailand. Everything plays a factor from the economy and up to the type of system that is in play "Capitalism" these things or ways cause worldwide issues. 


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  13. 9 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    Geez, some naive people.


    Walk around the gogo bar areas of Pattaya Walking street around 7 pm.  See all the Thai males on mototrbikes with their gogo dancer gf/wife on the back being dropped off for work.  A little kiss on the cheek and off she goes.  Earning some great money for his booze, cigarette and gambling habits. 

    Very common practice.

    This a monarchy culture not a patriarchy like in the west. Now, in the west the same goes on there. But, like any country where the motives is money this goes on all over the world just differences in the culture. 

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