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Posts posted by Boombum

  1. On 12/25/2020 at 5:20 AM, webfact said:

    Thailand confirms 81 new coronavirus infections



    FILE PHOTO: A migrant worker has her temperature checked as she queues to talk with the public health authorities for a COVID-19 investigation at a fresh market, amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in Bangkok, Thailand, December 22, 2020. REUTERS/Chalinee Thirasupa/File Photo


    BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand confirmed 81 new coronavirus infections on Friday, of which nine were imported from abroad, the public health ministry said.


    Around half the 72 locally transmitted cases reported were linked to an outbreak discovered at the weekend at a seafood centre near the capital Bangkok, the ministry said in a statement.


    It did not say where the other cases were from.


    More than 1,400 infections have been linked to the seafood centre outbreak since last week, the majority of those migrant workers from Myanmar.


    (Reporting by Panarat Thepgumpanat and Orathai Sriring; Editing by Shri Navaratnam)



    -- © Copyright Reuters 2020-12-25   PROPAGAND  <deleted> ...its Corona NOT Covid.... And its CASES not Inrections...total <deleted> scare story.


  2. 3 hours ago, Bundooman said:

    I'm sorry, I just don't get this viewpoint.


    I don't know anyone who has this virus and I don't know anyone who knows somebody else that has It, and I, like many of us, have daily access to a whole range of Thai people through work, Facebook, Line, Email, my Thai family and their friends, families, etc., etc..


    Social media would be the first to jump onto and highlight increasing cases of people dying in the streets, overcrowded hospitals, family members swamping the media with reports of Covid19 in their households, doctors or nurses anonymously leaking panic statements, concerns, exhaustion, mental and physical issues, overwhelming cases of bodies piling up at the temples, hugely increased activity of funerals and a myriad of other significant indicators that "the statistics don't add up"!


    But there aren't such indicators, are there? If there are - why isn't this site flooded with anecdotal incidences of the country being overwhelmed - anywhere?

    Pure nonsense speculation.



    because there is no virus.....it is a MEDIA driven agenda....they are having to list all deaths as CV....but that is exposing the complete lack of deaths from other usual causes, they have BANNED any media outlet from exposing the link of the unmentionable 1V g ..... PLUS beware the BILL GATES Vaxx program ....those are the REAL danger !! this is all a MASK & a practice run for the Immenent Radiation Sickness' when they switch their new upgrade on and 60MHZ hits people. and then ENFORCE injections of the new ID2020 tracking system with annual injections thereafter containing all sorts of poisons to steralise/reduce the population  (they) being the Elite Bankers!!

    • Haha 2
  3. On 2/2/2020 at 3:34 PM, Slosheroni said:

    The mental gymnastics people go through to come up with these conspiracy theories are astounding.

    Whilst the Lazy mided just soak up any garbage from a media which has been caught lying and propaganda spreading for decades... especially now it is wholley owned by those that perpetrate the "news" in the first place. Even your paraphrasing "Consiracy Theorist" is a term promulgated to brainwash the masses by the very same media.  Youve just proved that you have zero critical thinking and just follow the herd.

    Never Mind ...Global Warming is REAL...LOL !!! Twin Towers and "Building 7" all just fell down identically by themselves,  the PNAC report doesnt exist its been made up, Sandyhook shootings really wasnt a Hoax.  oh and Father Xmas is REAL too...people have actually seen him in shopping centres...

    • Sad 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    I thought this was in jest, but it appears that you might be serious. I thought you were trying to mimic what a stark raving mad conspiracy theorist would say, but maybe you actually believe what you wrote. 


    Vaccines have saved the lives of billions of people. Deaths are a tiny number, and none that I have heard of, have been caused by the vaccine itself, rather it has been given to someone with depressed immunity by oversight. 

    haha well, allow your mind to be manipulated in the Main Stream Media propaganda and you will always have a distorted view of the way, and why things are!! VAXX kill and maim thousands annually, Big Pharma produces poisons in all forms, Doctors would be struck off for just expressing their truthful views, VAXX companies are now legally immuned from prosecution against law suits regarding adverse effects on humans. Hence trials and testing is not on their agenda....they make billions so  long as they can shift their poison...they pay billions to media and have the influence to spread fear to the public...

    oh, and please dont cite polio "cure" as the true figures will prove otherwise. 

    • Confused 1
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  5. If they looked around at the Safest  Places and copied that model of Bike rental or Bike Usage and then implemented the rules it would be a start!! 

    Or pretend it’s the TM30 where you have to report when try get on and off it, who’s the Rentor and Rentee Hold a 5000 bt deposit from which Immigration deduct fines for breaching “ Rules” 


    or ofcourse Dont Bother and let Thailand be Thailand ... 

    which is Why people come here in the First Place ..

    to have Adult fun without being inflicted with Childish Regulations by (“ just doing me job” ) Goons  in Uniform

  6. On 9/20/2019 at 6:09 PM, fforest1 said:

    They are getting the kids brainwashed at a young age these days....Sorry kids but global warming is a hoax....And the #1 solution to global warming is raising lots and lots of taxes....

    Exactly right... These Dumbed Down Kids are being brainwashed from School ... Do they not realise it’s such a complete made up fictional HOAX that they’ve been forced to change its name as the Outrageous predictions on which it’s all based were BLATENTLY untrue!!!

    yup It’s to  livingUsher in 5 G, Higher Taxes, Reduce our Freedoms and Bring in the Banksters Carbon Credit System of CASHLESS 

    these Are like TURKEYS voting for XMAS

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  7. So is it pay on receipt of Fine paid? 

    Does the offender know the ID of the reporter?

    is it Taxable?

    can a Falang without a WP do it? 

    What required as PROOF ? 


    So there’s a Couple of cones outside a house!! Who can prove who placed them there? 

    Would the Reporter have to supply a written sworn and witnessed statement that they saw Mr / Mrs X put them there? Will it need an Identity parade? Maybe the “reporter” put them there to earn a few Baht? Does the “ law” clarify blocking/reserving space at your own property of another’s?? 

    Rediculous proposition in a corrupt society with “Laws” written by the equivilent of the IQ of a 5 year old kid. 

    • Like 1
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  8. 9 hours ago, b2bme said:

    I take it you look down on Indians or see yourself above them. Typical comment though from someone of the flag on your profile. I laugh at your pompous attitude as your Empire crumbles.

    I recall reading where your national dish is now curry and chips......LOL

    It’s the Indian (Pakistani) Muslims who in general Despise Westoners and think the Girls are even lowest of the low!! 

    They don’t know how to treat women with respect as they have NONE ... 

    Hence every Girl you speak to refuses to go with the Curry stinking Tight fisted Abusers. 

    Why they have to wander around 5 Abreast on all the sous is pure Indignance to Every other Road user or Pedestrian.!! I’ve seen many Taxi bike Kick them out of the way !!

    Ive not seen any other Community act with Arrogance and Ignorance towards others like this.

  9. 7 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

    Reap what you sow.
    TAT wanted the Chinese and Indians and not the Farang. Indians and Chinese do not do beaches in the same way. The Chinese pack themselves on to buses and go to Nong Nooch or Khao Chin Chan, I heard KCC was gridlocked yesterday afternoon. Then they get a delicious 7-11 to top up the sumptuous banquet on their way home. The Indians just wander, apparently spending fortunes, except no one seems to know exactly where,
    Welcome to Thailand Beach Resorts 2019.


    8 hours ago, petemoss said:

    Where I used to sit, in Jomtien, there were as many Thais sat around me as farangs. More at weekends. More Thais smoked than farangs. Now, no Thais, no farangs, go figure.

    My Thai girl an I walked down to Jomtien beach from the Temple...the latest renovation is very nice!! What struck me was No Showers anywhere along the Beach? Surely that would have been an easily afforded and much needed addition, also I finished my litre bottle of water at Waterpark...and found NO bin to dispose it until walking all the way into Jomtien itself!!

    • Like 2
  10. I’m a Non Smoker. Always have been. I find Smokers in general, ignorant of the filth their habit creates for others....HOWEVER....No smoking on an Open Beach is really ridiculous!! Also the vendors crying about empty

    “ Chairs” ...If I go to the Beach I want the option to Sunbathe, and NOT be hassled with Vendors...

    i go everyday to the beach for 2hours (Pattaya) I swim, and lay by the sea shore to cool down...and people watch !! Luv it.

    • Like 2
  11. On 2/17/2019 at 11:18 AM, jesimps said:

    Yes if you're forced to leave because you're going to struggle financially under the new TI rules, then the PI seems a better option to me than returning to UK. ANYWHERE seems a better option than returning to UK!!!

    In a lot of ways YES, Unless you’ve a nice Home, Girlfiend, Money, Income UK is going to SUCK...but if you have/had all that why are you here in the 1st place....I’ve sold up everything and given all my Winter Clothes to charity. I would arrive in Heathrow in a pair of Flipflops, Shorts and T shirt , Homeless penniless, unemployed, no Transport, no girlfiend, Freezing Cold....Trouble is, being English as opposed to Immigrant I’d qualify for Nothing and have little chance of knowing what is available....Immigrants all go to a Specialist who applies on their behalf and demands EVERYTHING...We have Zero support...PIPI for me I think...at least I can run my new Business from there too...


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  12. 6 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    You could do the report in Udon if you formally changed to your address at Udon immigration to a address in Udon. You would need a TM28 change of address form and more than likely a TM30 form to report your presence.

    I think they meant Vientiane Laos. That would be a border hop for a new entry which would end your current 90 days and start it again when you enter the country. You would need a re-entry permit to keep your extension valid.

    Thanx Joe, I came up here in I’ll health for a short visit, and have reported as staying as it was going to just be a short stay...perhaps I go a few days early to cover off any extra paperwork ... I appreciate your time and trouble to help ...thanx.


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