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Posts posted by tigerbeer

  1. Close community with security guard might not be 100% secure, as some break-in are carries out by the guard that work with crooks, as what happened in my estate. The only way to slow down the break-in is to install iron grille on all windows together with security camera and alarm, as suggested by Khunmarco.

    now if u were renting a house, how would you spend that much of money on an alarm system and iron grills? costly, don't you think so. but hey yeah, its a lot safer.

  2. Anyone have contacts on pool table/snooker table repairs?? house is in san kampheng and bloody heavy to haul anywhere. slate needs to be realigned as well. any information on people in the profession?? been years since we got it. never got to repairing it.

  3. one of the computer robbers. i thought the cops had a group arrested sometime last year. our shop got robbed too. just the com and whatever came with it. they left the heavy CRT though but it was a high spec com. definately students and most likely to sell it to some dealer in ICON, Computer Plaza. or one of those IT centers. I'd recommend browsing some of these centers next few days and see if anything found there. there were cases of some stolen computers found there according to the cops who came. we even had the forensics team came in. am sure they been monitoring your movements lately. sorry to hear about it MM. wish u had better luck than this to happen to you.

    will look out for the jacket though. surely find someone wearing it around chiang mai.

  4. not sure about the costs. but get one of those local classified newspapers, Chieb, Chiangmai Classified. Lots of adverts on roofing of those kinds. get 3 to 4 different quotes before going for it.

  5. son has some fever, just wanted to know what kind of infection. our regular doctor (Khun Dr. Saipin) was on leave. some old man doctor who looks like he should retire at the pediatrics attended to my son. asked him what antibiotics has he prescibed, no answer. just antibiotics he said. mentioned that my son has "very red throat". fine, so its a throat infection. thats all i needed to know.

    got to the payment counter and we were charged 1,100 baht. asked why its so much, they said its the cost of the medicine. went to the pharmacy and saw that they have prescribed Banan, some new antibiotic. my children have been prescribed many different kinds of antibiotics there and all of them have been "pretty strong" ones. a word with my sis who is a doc strongly disagrees about giving the kids strong antibiotics. she recommends the lower class, amoxicillin, clarithromycin, erythromycin for mild infections before moving up to the next class in case it doesnt work.

    i told them i dont want the antibiotic. they can have it back and i got refunded 720 baht for it. drove down to Pharma Choice and asked about the same antibiotic and how much it was (out of curiosity). they would sell it to me for 270 baht. difference of 450! i went for the regular erythromycin manuctured by OLIC for 85 Baht.

    its not about the money. i would pay whatever it takes to make my children feel ok but please be warned that if you go to chiangmai ram 1, just get diagnosed and head out somewhere else for your medications. i intend to do that from now onwards. we have had 2 children born in that hospital but they have started being a bit unreasonable in the charges of their medications.

    also if someone could recommend me some good pediatric doctors in chiang mai, it would be much appreciated.

  6. maybe it has something to do with people not being able to find cigarattes in thailand? cause they cant see any shops selling em.

    maybe their taxis cant get fuel after 10pm? hence end up being stuck somewhere.

    maybe the visa rates have quadrupled over the past few years?

    i can think of a 100 more reasons but don't want to waste your time reading them.

  7. sbkpeterpan, so true about the japanese part. what they could then do is let daihatsu sell their wonderful little cars here. but then again, no comparison to the refined perodua models. they really look very good. seriously. i would love to have one of those Perodua Myvi.

    This was taken from the website listed by the OP, your wish for Daihatsu appears to be addressed by the Perodua JV (albeit only 25%).

    Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (PERODUA) was established in 1993. The joint venture partners/shareholders of Perodua and their respective shareholding are UMW Corporation Sdn Bhd (38%), Daihatsu Motor Co. Ltd. (20%), MBM Resources Berhad (20%), PNB Equity Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd (10%), Mitsui & Co. Ltd (7%) and Daihatsu (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (5%).

    Having lived in Malaysia for 5 years, it has been my experience that the national auto industry has experienced QA/QC issues (Proton comes to mind) but do not know the track record of the newer lines of Perodua. With the new trade agreements now in effect, you may see some sort of cross border sales initiated.

    I have owned a proton before. seems like they are getting better with their Quality issues. however the Gen2 that they released has big time engine problems.

    perodua seems to have better Q controls from what i have seen. The JV between them and Daihatsu was the same way done between Proton and MMC. It would be good though if perodua makes it into thailand but really doubt it. Unless Malaysia starts letting Thailand ship the Toyota's and other assemblies there under the so called AFTA which still has not materialised.

  8. there are a few driving around Phuket Town. I think they are Kelisas with a 1 litre engine. Would be dirt cheap to drive around town.

    No idea how much one costs though.

    The little Malaysian made cars would be perfect for 90% of what Bangkoks car driving population needs BUT 1: cars here are needed to show other people how rich you are and 2: The Japanese manufactures here control the car policy, so unfortunatly people will continue to drive fuel sucking, polluting machines.

    sbkpeterpan, so true about the japanese part. what they could then do is let daihatsu sell their wonderful little cars here. but then again, no comparison to the refined perodua models. they really look very good. seriously. i would love to have one of those Perodua Myvi.

  9. Been a few years since we used it, but my only advice is NOT to use any formula containing sugar, honey or other sweetener. You are only storing up guaranteed problems for later.

    p1p any particular recommended brands?

  10. Hi everyone,

    Have two kids, boy at 2 years 3 months old, daughter at 1 year 4 months old. yes 11 months apart. both of them are on S-26 #3 milk formula by Wyeth. Find it a bit pricey and as i wonder along the aisle's of Carrefour, Lotus etc, cant help but to wonder how the other cheaper milks are. anyone can recommend a good milk thats not too costly?? and also why would you recommend that milk.

  11. whatever you do, the prices are pretty much fixed on cameras throughout thailand. look out for the model at various shops. including big camera branches all around chiangmai, denchai, photo bug. certain places just might sell it cheaper than another. do some price research before you buy anything.

    like chanchao mentioned, google for Steve's Cameras site, check out their forums, there is a section on "what camera should i buy". post a question there and you would get some helpful information. then check out the specific brand section or a review on the camera. a simple research on what you use the camera for can give you a fantastic camera for the money.

    also, go for the older models, they normally sell at a bargain in thailand from what i have noticed. (cheaper than malaysia for sure)

    Your right Tiger I recently perchased a new camera price wise nothing really to choose I ended up buying at airport plaza large shop on corner unit don't remember name, but across the way from said shop is/was a small camera shop selling the same camera for 500bht more I explained to the owner that this model was on sale across the way for 500 less match the price and I will buy off you, yes he said I have seen that but I will not drop price. He lost the, is the mark up that tight?

    siam, the corner shop would be Big Camera and the one across it would be Photo Hut. None of them would reduce the price cause its all controlled by the HQ. No point bargaining anywhere except for Denchai or Photo Bug. Need to shop around. I'd say that a day spent at airport plaza is more than sufficient. No point going anywhere else. Shops selling cameras are: Powerbuy, Big Camera, Data IT(they closed down i think, good cause they have shit customer service), IT City, Photo Bug, Chi Chang(Sony, crappy cameras except for the R-1, and forget the other high end model), and some small shops on the 3rd floor.

    what camera did u buy though siam? i am still waiting for the price of the Fuji F-11 to drop a bit more before buying it. the ultimate consumer camera.

    oh yeah, customer service, forget good service at any shop. just know what camera you want and get it. the local culture here in CM sometimes forget to teach their kids to say "khop khun karp/kah, or sawasdee".

    i have had some bad experiences with Jebsen & Jebsen though, distributors for Panasonic, Samsung and some other brands. I'd say that if there is problem with the the camera, deal with the distributors directly instead of going through the shop you bought it off.

  12. whatever you do, the prices are pretty much fixed on cameras throughout thailand. look out for the model at various shops. including big camera branches all around chiangmai, denchai, photo bug. certain places just might sell it cheaper than another. do some price research before you buy anything.

    like chanchao mentioned, google for Steve's Cameras site, check out their forums, there is a section on "what camera should i buy". post a question there and you would get some helpful information. then check out the specific brand section or a review on the camera. a simple research on what you use the camera for can give you a fantastic camera for the money.

    also, go for the older models, they normally sell at a bargain in thailand from what i have noticed. (cheaper than malaysia for sure)

  13. with the fuel prices skyrocketing, i can't see a better option than the Malaysian Perodua models.

    check this site out.:


    spent some time in malaysia and a good friend of mine has the kelisa model, roomy spacious and great on the fuel. the myvi model has got a 6 to 8 months waiting period in malaysia. makes sense no? anyone has information if they ever gonna start selling these cars in LOS?

  14. one of the most beautiful palms out there. just needs ton of water twice a day, some good hot sun and temperatures that dont go below 10degrees celcius. surprised that ants could do that much damage.

    i would recommend to everyone on planting of this palm. a nice one in your garden grown up about 18ft plus would truly change the way your house looks. incredible beauty. only drawback is that it doesnt grow fast. (good feng shui too from what i hear)

  15. ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (i.e. 15-5-10)

    However, they prefer slow release fertilizers (don't know if they are available in LOS) and often suffer from manganese deficiencies.

    Are you growing it in the ground or in a pot? Also, be aware that the coconut weevil that is devastating Samui and Phangan eats any palms (they killed my sealing wax palm :9 )

    hi sbk,

    someone recommended ratio of 16.16.16 for palm trees. what is the coconu weevil? the ones that you put with orchids? it came with it and i took them all over from where the roots are. its in a large pot. i have two of them. one i bought yesterday. here is the picture attached. vga quality mobile phone picture though.


    seems like the prices of these palms are rising. any idea how long it takes for it to grow? i have seen really large beautiful ones in malaysia.

    sorry about your palm though. did you get somemore? i intend to buy at least 5 to 6 more in the next few months.

  16. i'm downloading the 4th and 5th. CD right now. very good speeds indeed. am with CAT HiNet 2Mb. Maximum i get is 180kb/s download speed.

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