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Posts posted by damascase

  1. 16 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    Wrong..Brexiteers do not want to hand over their national sovereigny to unelected by the people fascists running the show in brussels..whose ultimate aim is to have a united states if europe.
    Have a nice dayemoji6.png


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Oh dear, out of pills today? Not out of insane insults, clearly............ Ever bothered to read up on fascism?

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

    Google " jean monnet ".
    Eu want an eu army..the puttyfaced fat guy from belguim wants eu member states to surrender their sovereignty to the brussels jobsworths
    The last few treaties signed..what do you think they were about.
    Read up about the eu and their ambitions please.
    The common market was a good idea..but after that...no no no..not for me and evidently not for 17.4 million UK Voters


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Even more nonsense and you know that.

  3. 7 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    Well now "welovesunetcetc "
    Imo..they want a united states of europe..with all the member states surrendering their sovereignty to the brussels jobsworths.
    Absolute power over the people!!!
    At least in the UK..you have a chance of kicking out the govt every few years.
    Now please look at the infamous jean monnet's statement... does what I said about the eu not ring true????


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    Where do you get this absolute and utter nonsense from? Been sucking on your thumb too long? Why are you so malignent vs. the EU? 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, malagateddy said:

    Yet the russian man and his daughter did shopping..wined n dined in a restaurant etc etc
    quite a few hours passed before any adverse reaction
    To me the whole thing sucks.
    Please remember the imo.. sociopath and war criminal's lies..SADDAM HAS WMD'S
    Also remember that before the referendum re LEAVE/remain in the eu..all the b/s that cameron..osborne and their motley crew came out with.
    Massive unemployment..etc etc.
    Do you honestly believe EVERYTHING that any govt tells you???

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Yesterday I commented that you were going downhill faster and faster. Today it seems like you have reached the bottom - and trying to get lower.

  5. 56 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    Yip..hopefully democracy wins..ie. LEAVERS are rejoicing LEAVING A CORRUPT FASCIST NEST OF VIPERS OVER IN brussels.
    We BRITISH people are no strangers to veiled threats or would be intimidation..and you know what..WE ALWAYS WON THE " BATTLE "

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    You are going downhill faster and faster............ Ever tried different medication?

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  6. 26 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    Well, that's exactly what this is all about, isn't it? The EU can't afford to see the UK leave and are trying to bully them into submission. I'm not surprised the deal is revoked as only an idiot would vote for that so-called 'deal'. 


    That you find it incredible...well...oh, forget it, I won't be able to explain this even if I spent 100 years on here...

    Don’t bother to ‘explain’, please, you’ll only make your argumentation more ridiculous. If the UK had wanted to leave last Friday, it could have done so and no EU would have been able to stop it.

    • Like 2
  7. 42 minutes ago, Forethat said:

    Am I the only one noticing that a majority of the media tends to blame UK Parliament for...whatever we should call this circus. It is clear to me that the reason for the domestic political issues is that the EU refuses the UK to leave on reasonable terms. The deal is as bad as a deal can get. It's not even a deal, the UK is being bullied into submission. Instead of being reasonable, the EU officials are doing everything they can to damage and hurt the UK economically and politically. They want to state an example to prevent anyone else from even considering to leave. In my view, this is not someone you'd want as your partner, this is someone you want to stay the he** away from. 


    I think Brussels is effectively driving the public opinion towards a "<deleted> off EU"-mentality by insulting, threatening and directly damaging the UK. This country has been threatened before and it didn't end well for the aggressor.


    To be perfectly honest, I think a majority of this country is now ready to accept a massive recession (if that happens) just to get away from the bully-EU.

    Incredible, still blaming the EU at this stage for the shambles the UK is in. If the UK wanted to be out, it would have happened last Friday. The EU would not - and could not - have stopped you if the UK had done that.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, CMNightRider said:

    Actually, Thai Immigration did make a big change in their already nonsensical requirements for a one year visa.  In prior years, I was able to show proof of my monthly income being deposited into an American bank.  Now they want 65,000 baht a month deposited into a Thai bank or 800,000 baht in a Thai bank.  This is a big change along with the TM forms. ????



    Well, didn’t that result from the American decision not to issue income letters anymore? My Embassy still does, and so I don’t have to deposit 65k a month in a Thai Bank.

  9. 23 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    The fatal mistake was made on day one after Article 50 was triggered.  We should have sat down in the negotiating room and said to the EU people, "okay mateys, we're off, then sat back  and said nothing more until they came up with a deal". 

    Well, the EU came up with a deal, didn’t it. It would have been a much better deal if the UK had had a clue about the direction to take.........

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