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Posts posted by harrycallahan

  1. It's happened before where people have faced excess baggage fines and they've opened the bag, chucked a whole bunch of clothes on - ridiculous, multiple layers - then the bag comes under. Same weight goes on the plane.

    People regularly weigh +-30kg from the adult mean, so picking over 5kg of baggage seems kind of silly.

  2. First they came for the beach chair vendors, and I did not speak out—
    Because I can lay a towel on the sand for free.

    Then they came for the jet ski renters, and I did not speak out—
    Because I have no desire to be a victim of extortion.

    Then they came for the corrupt public servants, and I did not speak out—
    Because I prefer the rule of law.

    Then life was much better.

  3. What about these?

    "Plus the officials went to inspect another room and found Mr.Samreng Ayamueng aged 38 and Ms.Atchara Wichaiwong aged 23 who were having sex and they were also drug addicts."

    Adults having sex, in Pattaya!

    And the police determined they weren't just drug users but dependent addicts. These are super police. (*cough* Timothy W *cough*)

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