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Posts posted by blackhorse

  1. Where is that info from?  I think it's already been ascertained that the embassies had to withdraw their letters because the Thai authorities required confirmation of income.  No embassy can do this.  They had no choice.
    Either put up a link for credibility from TI or go away. Maybe you are to old and missed how social media works

    Basically either you put up a link or it didn't happen.

    Your link please
  2. And today people are cautioned to dress properly when going to immigration.  I get the backpacking, dress like you want, do what you want mentality.  But when visiting a foreign country, well, their rules and expectations, whether you like them or not are there
    If you have the 20 k then you can dress any damn way you Ike. No way I'm wearing a suit on a 11 hour flight lol
    • Haha 1
  3. I do not know as well. If the Police Order gets changed and they start asking for obscene amounts of money for a married person to stay here, I will be going. I have not invested much money here - around 1 million. My wife owned her own house before we met and I bought a car and a few bikes. I could shift to another SE Asian Country pretty easy but with the wife, it makes it hard.
    If single, Vietnam would have been next for me. 
    Thailand is changing for the farang and these pushes will not affect the average Thai at all. The average Thai is just worrying about getting by themselves without other problems. Last night my wife and I went out for our Wedding Anniversary Dinner to a top restaurant. It was a Monday night and it was booming. The high end of town is certainly not missing out and these minor farang issues are not going to worry anyone. We had dinner with a friend that owns an eighty-room Condo Complex and we spoke about the visa issues and she just pointed at the full tables all around us and said, "Who here would care?"
    Stop crying. Nothing has been changed unless you have a magical link to pretend news on the thai side?...... Ermmm of course you don't. Now stop freaking your wife out and be a man. Crumbling in front of her is not the answer
  4. Have to agree with this one.
    Thai expats think they provide a lot more value than is perceived by the Thai Gov't and that is for sure.
    Why the crackdown this year on overstayer's when expat's have been overstaying more than 30 years ago?
    Do not remember Thaksin going after any expat overstayer's or causing all this chaos?
    So, in Thai logic, there must be a reason for this sudden crackdown, appointing Big Joke to lead immigration, etc.?
    With the current gov't continually postponing the date political parties can get organized and start campaigning, you have to wonder if the gov't wants anyone and everyone out that would have the sense and balls to call BS on that move?
    Possible if there is another political blow up with Thai's fighting each other in the streets, they don't want to have to answer to expat governments?
    I believe there is some hidden reason for this crackdown and it will only get worse.
    I cannot image the current gov't will allow someone to win the coming election and kick all the Generals out of power.
    In that case, things could go upside down very, very fast for the entire country, and specifically Bangkok.
    Unless the highest offices of USA, China, Japan, UK, AUS, put direct pressure on the Thai government, the Thai government will never be concerned about expats who marry their women and educate them that corruption is wrong.
    I think the current government will do whatever it can to hang on to power forever.
    Sooner or later there is going to be a huge clash and it won't be good for anyone.
    The smart thing for anyone to do is have a backup plan, whether you think you will ever need one or not.
    Sorry but the 1% of desperado forced out because they are dead beats only ever contributed to happy hours and chasing balloons. Bye bye [emoji112]
    • Like 1
  5. Nobody in their right mind would allow a total stranger to either see where he hid his key or see the combination to the safe. This guy is the very definition of a fool. Also try not to leave a drink unattended and never accept a drink from a stranger. He broke all the rules. 
    Guys like this give foreigners a bad reputation. What did WC Fields say about these guys?
    Oh come on. Your an expert NOW but you can't tell me you were never in a dodgy situation in your life. NO offense but Your talking complete BS
  6. RIght, and I am not being critical of them or anything, but this is the type of stuff that makes it very frustrating. I mean, I can't even order white chicken meat no matter how much I practice Thai. Makes one want to give up... at least me it does. 
    Btw, my never ending joke to myself in Thailand is "I wonder where the hell all the chicken breasts go?" lol. Because I swear I have never walked past a chicken on a stick stand and seen it. A couple times maybe but even then I bought it and somehow it turned out to be dark meat lol. 
    I guess it's because the breasts don't deep fry well or boil well and come out to dry.
  7. I lived in  Thailand for 11 years and in Costa Rica for approximately 10 years. In that time I've seen many American male citizens bring their ladies into the United States only to be disappointed, because the ladies missed their families, their food and their friends. Most ended up going home after a few months, some in two weeks!
    Many of the ladies couldn't take the cold, winter temperatures and in some cases depending on the area, the discrimination.
    Some of the ladies took on jobs and were treated like slaves. They jetted home fast.
    Many went for the money security only to discover the money dried up fast with the economic retreat and the massive job losses now in America.
    Your lady will probably be happier and safer staying in Thailand.
    Many farang think that they need to 'save " thai women from a horrible life of poverty.

    That may be true in a few cases but for the vast majority they have no interest in the West and why should they? If it was that amazing we would all be there right now
  8. I can't speak for the others melvinmelvin but I think it's twofold with Mrs Owl. One is that i would be able to more easily see through the lies and family scams. Secondly, she is a jealous (insecure maybe) person and would think my improved Thai could be used to speak to other women. I'm not allowed to converse with, or even look at, any other women. Only last month she threw a cat at me.
    Nah she is not worried about and old farang chasing other women. She just wants you to stay totally reliant on her for even the smallest translation. Why don't you man up and take a course if you feel strongly about it.
    To many farang are controlled by these little 5 foot nothing pip squeaks!
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