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Posts posted by dblh

  1. What I understood from earlier news is that Thailand doesn't approve mixed vaccines to enter Thailand via sandbox or easier quarantine. I'd go for a vaccine that is fully approved first and get a proper certificate. Then if there is enough evidence that moderna/pfizer jab is good addition on top of AZ or sinovac, I'll try to get it as well.

  2. Golf is safe to keep open and it makes money. Caddies and other staff has some work to do, golfers buy water and other drinks on top of the other fees. Impact to economy vs safety, its a no brainer to keep it open.

    And quite a many who is calling the shots here in Thailand playing golf...

    • Like 2
  3. Flightradar e.g. website is good for tracking how many times if any, BKK-KL flight has been cancelled.


    If you transfer via Singapore with SQ flight, you are not entering to Singapore but staying in international zone. And just like someone suggest before, if not sure about it, just get an emergency passport.


    Also looks like there is traffic (google traffic shows red) at kaya hitam going to Malaysia. Why not call to Malaysia immigration etc and ask what is the procedure using land border.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, ThaiVisaCentre said:


    Sometimes in extreme cases like this I try to help as much as possible... I did not promote anything in that message other than see if I could put in a good word for you.

    But as they say, no good deed goes unpunished.

    Corruption, right. That's how things work in asia and OP living in Thailand long enough should understand it.

    Grace did a good job helping my friend while ago and now he can stay with his family while longer. I'd do the same in his position and sleep like a baby and not thinking too much about it.

    • Like 2
  5. 26 minutes ago, aussiexpat said:

    What place in the World allows you to bring your own drink into a bar. But you are special enough to feel insulted and post about how bad a bar they were...wow!

    Actually quite a many in Pattaya as long as its a good to the business and that can be arranged.

    In this case it would have been but bouncer is too strict.

    • Like 1
  6. 17 minutes ago, AndyPa said:

    Problem is buying a ticket and then having a 30%+ chance of it being cancelled. Money stuck or lost.

    So you didn't check that list. Most cancellations was to Japan and Manila.


    These been flying during these rescue times, no cancellations.

    Didn't see Lufthansa today on that list but there are several other EU flights. Finnair flying 3-4 times per week with good connections.

    Before booking a flight its easy to check on flightradar what is the recent history of particular flight number.

    • Like 2
  7. 6 hours ago, DefaultName said:

    I'm in Pattaya and a non smoker.  I don'e know of ANY bar or restaurant that doesn't allow smoking.  Not ONE.  ????


    My hypocrisy now; I like alcohol, so please promote that, preferably with discounts & happy hours.  ????

    Assuming you are talking inside the restaurant or bar. I know some and I'm not even in there.

    Casa Pascal, my favourite brekky resto is one that cannot smoking inside. Its very relaxing place to sit down as no loud music or loud customers. Feels like its not Thailand at all.
    Red car disco/bar in walking street is one as well. I trust there's more but seems to be that gogo licence is already including smoking inside the premises or they all buy it.

    • Like 1
  8. Phone number can be anything so why worry about it. Also if government wants to take a look who is in a particular area they can ask from operators to provide that data. As long as you carry your phone with you it will update its location when you move to next cell or "tower".  So how this not to sign in help? If there is a infected person same time at the store I'd like to get an info about that.

    Take a photo instead of scan it at the first time. Atleast google lens app you can import that photo and it will show the options to open or copy that link including store id string which is easy to bookmark e.g. under "Big C". Next time just open the browser and use that bookmark for pre-sign in. Show the sign in page to the nice person at the door and walk in. You can practice this with any MorChana QR core photo post in internet.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    That your passport validity expires on same date as your Elite Visa validity, muddles the issue as it cannot be determined now whether your present permission to stay is based on

    - passport validity expiry date;

    - Elite Visa validity expiry date.


    Last December I got 1 year stamp regardless of my visa or passport validity, which was only 9 months at that tim, so something is changed or its IO who is making that decision. This time she was asking me how long I'm going to stay and pointing the visa expiration date.

    I still have 2.5 years left of my 5 year membership though.

  10. On 3/28/2020 at 10:28 AM, scotty4243 said:

    Can anyone confirm that towards the end of the 5 year Elite Visa if you obtain a one year extension you will in effect get nearly 6 years, there seems to be varying opinions on this?

    Last stamp several weeks ago the date is hand written and only until my elite visa expiration date which is also the same than my passport exp. date on this September.

    Stamp before that on last December was normal 1 year even though my visa and passport was already valid less than one year that time.


    No logic but that's not unusual.

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