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Shocked farang

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About Shocked farang

  • Birthday 02/02/1960

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  1. Let me explain, this "group", the so called Uyghur, happens to be a Muslim minority in China. That's why they clash with the mainstream Chinese culture. Thailand itself has it's own issues with Muslim separatists in the South, they often resort to explosions, violence. So, at least some of the Thai Muslims identify with the Uyghur groups, so they carried out the attack to the Erawan shrine.
  2. Danang is so much more pleasant and relaxed than Pattaya. You never get that weird feeling that there's always someone out there trying to rip you off in Danang. It's plain business, good food, good value. Always.
  3. The trick is to always have a print out of a booking through Booking.com, Agoda or even Airbnb for a few nights, then you move to whatever accommodation you want, just play the game. It's their country, they set the rules...
  4. The first time I spotted a Thai wearing a swastika T shirt, I just couldn't believe. But then I just realized the overall ignorance of western history that prevails in Thailand.
  5. Something so simple as not overstaying your Visa... I mean, how people can be so foolish to do this? There are many possible ways to extend, or even change your Visa category, if all fails and it's about to expire, just leave. Thais are just asking you to respect their immigration laws.
  6. It's quite possible that it's just a ChatGPT halucination! 😂
  7. Airbnb used to be different, nice and easy. After the pandemic I also tend to avoid it and all the problems associated with it.
  8. The system is definitely rigged against farangs, that's undeniable. But it always keeps an appearance of normalcy, until something is triggered. He somehow triggered it. Yes, the police and Thais involved will gang up against the farang. Fact.
  9. Well, not all farangs are couch potatoes...
  10. The word farang comes from Thai, the same word (just ask any Thai) means guava, the guava fruit found in Thailand is very white (there's also the red guava), so any light skinned person is a farang in Thailand.
  11. Of course he will claim to be totally innocent, that he received the notes from someone else, preferably outside of Thailand. If he has any brains that's what he will claim. So the real truth will never be known.
  12. I believe this symbol could trigger the so called "law of reverse effect" and you could end up pretty demaged in your back end...
  13. Thaksin, the original and unique creator of the expression "walking ATM".
  14. If you are truly honest it's important to mention that it's impossible to avoid the tolerance that develops over time. This is not because of individual features but rather because of the biochemistry of how the THC and CBD bind to the endocanabinoid receptors in the brain and throughout the body.
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