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About kimamey

  • Birthday 06/08/1954

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    UK / Mahasarakham

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  1. Who are they praying to? That would seem very like a religion to me. From what I've seen they are happy to kill something, or get someone else to do it, as long as it's so they can eat it. If it's to prevent suffering then they aren't so keen. Maybe it's because hunger affects them but the suffering doesn't. I've not had to contend with a sick pet that needs to be put down thankfully. You can see why many on here would be anti Buddhism, or at least the way way it's observed here particularly if they find themselves in the distressing position of wanting to help their pet but can't.
  2. Glad you could do that. It's not something I've had to do here but I think that if you have a university with a veterinary faculty they sometimes have a surgery as well and may do it. We have one in Mahasarakham which seems to have vets from Khon Kaen working there as well. I'm sure they will euthanise an animal. That might be an option for anyone else in that difficult position.
  3. I certainly oppose it. I don't see why other men should enjoy themselves while my wife won't let me get involved. It's just not fair.
  4. Buddhism is a bit like Gucci and Louis Vuitton here. The name is there but behind that it's not so real. Then again it's all made up so they can make and bend the rules as they wish. I was reading that in Myanmar the monk's and abbot's followers are boasting that they have bigger, more expensive cars than in Thailand. At least the ones who support the killing by the junta. In some places Muslims kill Buddhists and in others Buddhists kill Muslims. They all find a reason somewhere.
  5. If it's starting on July 15 it won't be sorted out until after that. Probably 19 or 20
  6. Well it was all a bit quick so I didn't really have time to consider it. The doctor would only be allowed to prescribe something if there was evidence to show it would have the desired affect. I don't know if any herbs have passed that test. A lot of medicines are formulations of the active ingredients of herbal remedies or alternatives to them. Extracts from willow bark were used before Aspirin was developed from it. Hormone treatment, as far as I know is used to reduce the effect of testosterone which encourages the cancer. Once the results came through and it was clear the cancer was close to extending outside the prostate it needed to be removed quickly. It saved me but I wouldn't recommend it otherwise. It took a lot longer than normal since the insertion of the various tubes to allow the insertion of the instruments, which apparently normally takes about 20 - 30 minutes, took around 2 hours due to mesh that had been inserted during previous hernia removal. The surgeon nearly gave up, which would have meant a normal operation through an incision.
  7. You're clearly not smart enough to see the bigger picture, the long term strategy. The duty free shops close down so tourists go out into Bangkok to buy things instead. That causes overcrowding and sinking of the capital due to the weight of tourists flooding into the Thai hub of shopping. TAT estimates that worldwide there are 600 million tourists worldwide and are targeting 700 million. To deal with this Bangkok will be closed so enabling the rest of Thailand to benefit from the tourist's money. Temples will also see donations increased so can build bigger Buddhas and monks will have their own Rolls Royce or Ferrari to travel around the country to teach. When the entire world population of 7.9 billion arrives to experience the wonders of Thai shopping (TAT estimate 8.5 billion) the country will collapse into ruin and desolation, and everyone will leave, and Thailand will be closed so tourist can go elsewhere. This will leave the entire country, amounting to 513,120 km² ( Thai Land Dept estimate 600,00 km² free for other uses. Storage for the automobile overproduction of China, a huge park for Thaksin to play with his grandchildren. Possibly a massive golf course for the use of the army, navy and airforce. Even a extensive Department of Inactive Posts headquarters. Feel free to comment with your own suggestions. If you want to send them to the government, use Line. Don't forget, plenty of stickers to emphasis your suggestions.
  8. I started off when I was 65 in early 2021 with a slight problem of not emptying properly and needing to pee again shortly after. Not really a serious impact on my life to be honest. I'd had a prostate exam in my mid to late 50s that showed nothing. From early 2021 things changed quickly I'd had further prostate exams but as I was told they can't feel right round the prostate apparently. I also has an ultrasound which hurt a bit. From the figures they use an app to calculate the possibility of cancer which was 12% and 3% of it needing early treatment. I was offered an MRI if I wanted to check further, but it was up to me. I decided to take it to be safe. I'd already had discussions on possible treatments, which included hormone treatment, what the surgeon liked to call reboring my prostate, and removal of my prostate. There were other possibilities that weren't thought appropriate at the time but would be considered depending on future tests. The MRI showed what might have been issues on both sides of the prostate but a biopsy would be needed. Not surprisingly that wasn't fun, but worse was to come. I'd done a previous flow and volume urine test which showed a problem and I was asked to do another after the biopsy. I could only do a very small amount and subsequent attempts were even worse until I couldn't go at all. The urge was there, but no relief. It was horrendous, I'd never felt anything like it. I assumed they'd have to fit a catheter, which I wasn't keen on based on previous experience. It was worse, they wanted me to poke the catheter up my penis myself, on a regular basis. I think they wait until it's unbearable so you don't refuse, plus they have a nurse stand next to you while you do it. Mandy, I still remember her name. The relief when it released was unbelievable. It turned out having to self catheter wasn't a problem. When the results of the biopsy came through the treatment options had reduced to removal, and fairly quickly. I had the robotic prostatectomy on 1 November 2021. The incontinence early on was a shock but I'm now just using the thinnest Tena protective shields for the slight dribbles. If I run out of those I use the Sofy ones for women's periods as apart from large nappies there doesn't seem to be provision here for men. I returned to Thailand in early March 2022 and I was concerned about the flight so I had a large number of large and small pads for the flight but strangely I seemed to improve suddenly on that flight. The point of this overly long post is that diagnosing that you have a problem with peeing is simple. You can see it yourself and it's down to an enlarged prostate, which is common in older men. It's the unseen cancer that has no symptoms that is the problem. I could very easily have missed the diagnosis and not be here now at 70. My daughter's father in law died aged 65 from prostate cancer. He was diagnosed, and even then only because his friend needed a prostate exam and he said he'd go and have one as well for moral support. For him it was too late. My treatment was under the NHS by the way. Now I've scared the crap out of you all, I'll be off.
  9. Cialis is the trade name for Tadalafil which will probably be understood by a Thai pharmacist.
  10. From what I've seen that's how Buddhism often works as well.
  11. That's what was said at the time and I wouldn't disagree with it. She must have known what she was going though.
  12. Is slapping women normal here then? She's taking it through the Thai legal system not a western one, although it will be based on that. I don't know what he said to her, but maybe she can sue him for defamation. Now that is Thai culture.
  13. But is the climate in Cambodia that different from the Bangkok area. He seemed OK there. Maybe the proximity to an anti democratic dictator (is there any other sort) shielded his health.
  14. Thaksin out manoeuvred and betrayed. That's a shame. I still can't find a sarcasm emoji. Tell me someone is working night and day to sort this out.
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