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Shocked farang

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Everything posted by Shocked farang

  1. Your policeman source is most likely to be flawed as most policemen are high school dropouts with low intelligence levels...
  2. Yes! Covid is a picnic... Until you catch it yourself....
  3. Of course, this man has loads of money to finance their re-election. He is the original "walking ATM" who set the trend for this expression!
  4. Good, old Shinawatra family always trying to sneak in its way back to power! Keep on! Democracy dies as a result!
  5. This sounds like music to the ears of the venerable Cha-cha. Cha-cha is so happy that he must be dancing the Cha-cha-cha...
  6. You got the point. I was so happy with my clean face until about a week ago, I started to have some symptoms, self tested and bingo! Positive for Covid. Then I started to wear a mask again, of course. The virus is now considered endemic in many parts of the world, that means it's still circulating, people are still getting infected. The strains now are more contagious and weaker. Anyone dreaming that the pandemic is over is in for a surprise!
  7. Covid is funny and laughable until you catch it yourself...
  8. It will eventually become a big business and the people running it will be the friends of the powerful. TIT = This is Thailand...
  9. I totally understand your point, wearing a mask is a hassle most of the time. But you are making a mountain out of a molehill as we're coming out of a deadly pandemic and Thailand has chosen to be more conservative than many other countries regarding Covid. That's all, in fact when I look at the choices that the Thai government has taken since the beginning of the pandemic, my God, it has been ultra conservative. Tourism has been decimated, of course it could have been otherwise.
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