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Posts posted by EbhB

  1. 1 minute ago, ubonjoe said:

    Not good advice. If they were caught with the overstay the could be detained and deported.

    As I wrote I am sure immigration will be flexible. They are not near as bad as you think.

    I've had that thought sometimes, when taking into consideration all the super-entitled, brash westerners they have to handle, then meeting someone genuinely apologetic with all papers in order might be a relief even... ????

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The should get a letter from their embassy as the first step.

    Then go to immigration with enough baht in cash to pay the 500 baht per day overstay fine and try to apply for the special extension.

    I think immigration should be very flexible since the special extension did not start until the 18th or so and was never formally announced.

    Thanks! ????

    Would you say it could help getting someone to do this for them? Or is it better that they get help to get all papers 100% as they should, and then do it in person...

  3. Just now, GordyS said:

    Not sure it would be wise to go to immigration, they don't have a good track record being sympathetic, even in the current climate.

    Probably best laying low til something comes out of immigration re amnesty, or just paying the overstay when they leave

    Yep, advised them to first get their thai friend to approach immigration somehow...


    If even that is unsafe, an agent or lying low until leaving  might be the only options?

  4. Never thought I'd even contemplate this, especially since I've put a LOT of effort to set up my own company with WP ++


    But... When the world economy is collapsing, and I can just about manage the 800.000 baht, changing visa type might be the right move.


    Would this be possible without leaving the country? No objections agains using agents, whatever gets the job done is OK if I end up going down a completely different route...

  5. On 3/19/2020 at 2:19 AM, Don Chance said:

    There are some good point about Thailand in this situation,


    1. Hot weather, slower spread

    2. private hospitals, if you need it

    3. lots of food, maybe shortages in western countries

    4. Younger population, less infected people

    5. More medicine, thailand produces their own

    These, except number 4 that I didn't think about, have weighted heavily in my decision-making process...


    High level of care or free <deleted> does NOT count when the capacity is overwhelmed!


    Realizing that one might not make it personally early on, and then closely watching what is actually playing out is what gives one the best odds...


    A good opportunity for learning calmness and a more asian outlook on the world ????

  6. This is of course worse than trying to look into a crystal ball, but still I'd like to try...


    Which border runs on land OR with a viable return by air will be possible when this shutdown is over?


    Personally I'll be OK until early May + 7 days worst case, but if and when things hopefully get more calm I would prefer to get another 90 days in a safe way ????


    Anything that might be better in a PM, well, I'm all ears for that too!

  7. 6 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    I wonder it could be due to a shortage of staff.

    From a travel advisory I got by email today.

    "On March 14, the Department of State authorized the departure of U.S. personnel and family members from any diplomatic or consular post in the world who have determined they are at higher risk of a poor outcome if exposed to COVID-19 or who have requested departure based on a commensurate justification.  These departures may limit the ability of U.S. Embassies and consulates to provide services to U.S. citizens."

    They have at least 1 positive, know since Wednesday and still ordering staff to come in for work - until perhaps today...


    That one case is sure fire, don't ask me how I know

  8. Just got a reply from my lawyer stating that since I have a visa from a consulate (Penang) I will HAVE to leave every 90 days?


    This was my initial plan anyway, normally I stay for 6-10 weeks - but now when everything closes down I will rebook and have of course NO idea when I might leave...


    I will hit the 90 day limit on the 4th of May, who knows if even popping across a land border might be possible by then?

  9. I used to put in different things, but started simply using "business owner" a year or two ago - that kinda both shows that one might have some cash/status, but not what type or which country that is in...


    Now I'm on a work permit with my own company here, so even then no need to change it! ????

    If I change visa later I might even keep it up, then just pointing to my sole proprietorship in my home country if asked - or anything that will suit the situation...

  10. On 2/10/2020 at 3:01 PM, phantomfiddler said:

    One of the disadvantages of having a Work Permit is that, in the course of the application, one is made to sign a form saying that you are making 80,000 Bht salary, even if for 10 months out of the year you are making zilch. You will then get taxed on the 80 thou salary, and it will all end up a rather expensive proposition if it is just a small operation as you indicate ???? Better to have your business run under a Thai name, incur much lower taxes, and just be there without doing any work related tasks.

    Never heard about that regulation, normally the threshold is 50.000 - and the only thing that happens if going under is getting a shorter WP of 3-6 months, and I guess at some point a denial...


    Was this a local application somewhere? Would not be surprised in the least if someone local simply "invents" a regulation like that!

  11. Migrating always have some hidden costs, and running a few companies might include burning some bridges...


    I've got a squeaky clean record so far, and technically I expect to keep it so - but now my ex-partner in a company we started together will be filing for bankruptcy.


    I withdrew as chairman of the board a couple of years ago but stayed as a board member, then withdrew completely early last December - all the time because I was not comfortable with our priorities & the risks he wanted to take on...


    This is a tiny company, all or almost all of taxes will be paid, so it should be a very clean-cut case. I do not expect any real problems, as far as I can see we have not done anything that might land us in real trouble.


    Also, I am not even a shareholder from early December last year, but the quarantine is 1 year - meaning that I might be entangled in the whole process if he files before December this year.


    There is of course a register of these things in Norway, what I wonder about is if this can all lead to real problems for me settling 100% in Thailand?


    I do not expect to have my name entered in any lists other than the historical data. Since I've started a business here, I won't be surprised if they'd want me to provide a story on my years of running businesses in Europe - if so, would telling it as it is fly? Since I'm technically not part of the bankruptcy proceedings and actually exited precisely because of how things were run?


    Keeping a business, marriage or retirement visa should be absolutely no problem as all as I can see, but what bothers me is if this ONE thing could block me from PR or citizenship x years from now...


    It would be technically possible for me to postpone the whole thing until a year has passed, but that would require a LOT of energy - besides actually being illegal!

  12. They're quite sloppy at Doha... But sure, need to get through there!


    Just arrived back in Bangkok, not taking any classified drugs - but this time I got a short letter from my physician stating a couple of diagnosises I have + the medication, which includes both benzos and kodein at occasions.


    Next step for me will be to show immigration that letter when EXITING, then inquiring a bit about what I'd need to take in a very small dose of these things.


    Will also keep building a relationship with a local doctor that has been a good helper, maybe he could also write a letter or something...


    Its getting insane in the West as well when it comes to these classes of drugs, but of course there is a reason for that. 


    For me, and others that use it VERY infrequently its of course a drag...

    • Thanks 1
  13. Got checked by a doctor before I left, he also gave me a general certificate on underlying illness & medication - very useful as I might sometimes get a fever and light symptoms that could be perceived as a flu from that...


    Suvarnabhumi was almost all empty! Passed a scanner, but the people managing it seemed to be half asleep haha, welcome to Thailand! ???? Love that relaxed attitude, most of the time!


    But... Wonder how it would all be if (and hopefully not when) it really takes hold, if the worst numbers being leaked from China it could still be VERY bad...

    • Like 1
  14. Just now, kingofthemountain said:

    Yes it's the way to go.

    Get a certificate (In english) from a public hospital

    or doctor (Not a private clinic as Thai authorities could not be inclined to trust them statement)

    explaining what you have exactly and stating it's not the coronavirus, just in case.

    (Don't show it if nobody ask you something at the airport)

    This is Norway hehe, NO possibility of getting them to state anything that there is not a confirmed test for...


    Also will have to be public, state appointed physicians only admit you the same day if your're close to being stone dead - its a horrible system in my opinion!


    But, will visit an MD I've used at the private clinic for a while tomorrow & see what I can get, got a long history of upper respiratory tract symptoms that I can also just get a printout of ????



    • Like 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, mike787 said:

    I just came through from europe and they are aggressively scanning everyone.  Be prepared for either quarnatie or denied access.  Worst case scenario.  

    Thanks, will try to get it checked even though I know its some kind of allergy...

    Might also be totally OK when travelling tomorrow, so planned on just leaving - but "aggressively scanning" makes it better to have some paper to show I'd guess!

  16. ...reading carefully is a skill that is useful.


    This is 100% certainly NOT a corona-virus, its an allergic reaction I've had before - worst case a cold on top of that.


    There has been NO cases here, and I've spent almost all the timespan that makes for an incubation period alone in the woods anyway!


    No, I will not give in to bullying - not my fault if people cannot read a post properly, has no experience from the real world or has a need to police others.


    Thanks for the apology for using morons, though!

    • Sad 1
  17. Just now, mngmn said:

    Thanks for sharing ways to defeat the quarantine procedures currently in force at Thai airports.



    Oh, a genius that knows all has arrived!


    Also, you are sooo right, anyone should always trust any rules at all times!


    I guess I've done it all wrong for 5 decades.... I'm sure I'll end up rich & powerful if you mentor me - please say you are willing?

    • Sad 1
  18. Worst case yes... Will bring a huge stack of paper & lots of pens then, since I'm writing on a manuscript anyway!


    Any idea if things like these could be "negotiable" to any extent? As in choosing hospital, maybe getting family to guarantee taking me directly to somewhere etc, etc...


    Also, will that be a complete rip-off? Guess it will be covered by travel insurance somehow, but can imagine all sorts of problems with paperwork!

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