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Grandpa Cool

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Everything posted by Grandpa Cool

  1. And just in case you aren't aware, Germany announced yesterday that it is legalising recreational cannabis. Perhaps this is a chance for the Thailand government to modernise it's outlook and align it's laws with Germany's cannabis legislation structure.
  2. I'm disappointed that there is no photo of the entire local police force doing the big point at the culprit! 🙁
  3. I was "backpacking" around the world back in the early to mid 70s before it was called backpacking. My greatest fear was running out of money. However, unforseen circumstances lead to me running out of money a few times. In India, in Holland and in Singapore. I won't elaborate on the circumstances, but I would like to say that I got through these difficult circumstances through the kindness of strangers and I have always felt a deep thankfulness and genuine appreciation for those good souls who chose to help me both in cash and in kind. Later in life I had developed work and business skills that generated employment and millions of dollars. I have never forgotten those hard times and the help I was given and I've endeavoured to show kindness in it's many manifestations as life goes by. It's up to us to make this world a better place. There must be a lot of troubled souls on this forum, judging by the cynical, uncharitable, self centred unkind comments.
  4. "Illegal government" is easily the most important issue!
  5. I have downloaded the app "Instarem". It is part of the Travelex/Nium international money transfer network. I make the transaction to my nominated recipient's Thai bank account. The rate and fee are set before the transaction. So there are no surprises. Once the transaction is confirmed I transfer the amount of Australian $ to Nium's bank a/c from my bank by Osko. The transfer is immediate. Within seconds I am notified that the money is in the nominated Thai bank a/c. No bank fees at the Thai end. I do this regularly every month for family maintenance. Once you install the app with your recipient's information it becomes a very easy and quick process. You will have to check the rates compared to other transfer agents yourself.
  6. Yes. I agree. The Generals strongarmed their way into polital power and manipulated the law and judiciary to the detriment of not only the elected politicians, but every Thai citizen. And, whether you realise it or not, that overbearing self serving power base is still alive and well!
  7. That's a very good point! Why not chase down Boss instead of a petty prostitution client?.... it's just B.S. theatrics.
  8. What a joke! I couldn't see any sexy dancing or scantily clad girls. And the audience looked to be mostly women having a great time.
  9. A picture is worth a thousand words!
  10. Could I have a slice of that cake please with my coffee? ????
  11. I wonder what brand/model of watches this group of upstanding chaps favour?...... But seems that Big Joke doesn't collect watches.....he collects houses!
  12. BS is all the band can play, BS, they play it night and day!
  13. The focus is on the 15 corrupt officials.....let's go beyond that and expose the actual influencers.....there is a chain.....where does it lead to.....
  14. BS is all the band can play.... BS, they play it night and day!
  15. I've had extensive dental work done at BIDC, but their prices are now high. I did extensive research last year and sent my panoramic opg x-ray to 20 different dentists in Australia, Thailand, Turkey and India. After receiving responses and checking customer reviews : by far the best and most affordable clinic for serious dental work is Dentzz in Mumbai.
  16. In Australia (especially Queensland) all 3 officers would have shot and killed him saying that they felt their lives were in danger!
  17. BIDC (Bangkok International Dental Centre) One of the very best dental clinics in the world. Nearly all dentists there are internationally trained, most with extensive international training. Everyone working there speaks English. Al the equipment is Ulta modern and up to date. Hygiene is scrupulous.
  18. Well let's hope so.????
  19. Brazen hypocrisy! What a continuously sad situation for the people of Thailand..... forcefully manipulated into subservience. Those who hold the power have made themselves and their cronies super wealthy by severely draining the Thai economy. The standard of living for everyone in Thailand should be way beyond where it now stagnates. The general population, sooner or later, must wake up and take responsibility for allowing this shambles to exist!
  20. In the not too distant past Nepal had a social revolution in a very similar socio/political climate that Thailand is suffering from right now. Power to the People!
  21. The BIG question is : Who is the director of this socio/political drama?
  22. From the information in the media so far it was apparently a plan carried out by a team of greedy blackhearts (gangsters) with absolutely no scruples. One wonders what depths of depravity these subhumans have in their personal repertoires?
  23. This guy is a grandstander!....a loser trying desperately to stay relevant. He's a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. Surely it's about time journalists and editors stopped giving him press.
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