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  1. Should get a much better railway system out of it, so its not all bad 🙂 You do know they are already bowing to someone so not much different there.
  2. "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable." — Ezra Solomon, Professor of Finance, Stanford University "There are three kinds of people who make predictions on the market – - Those who don’t know; - those who don’t know they don’t know; - those who know darn well they don’t know and get big bucks for pretending they know” - Burton Malkiel
  3. Same as going to the football except you sit on a chair ? (I don't do either, nor do I drink, so they both remain equally mysterious as to motive) Though to be fair, i'd be more inclined to float down a river in a tube then go to the football
  4. Fraud and other criminal undertakings normally. I can't speak for K Bank and Thailand but it happens semi-often in Australia and it also happens there are false positives, under the law they are not allowed to tell you why, your accounts are just closed if they meet particular criteria (they aren't allowed to tell you what that criteria is). It's why many people move to crypto but to get cash, you still need an exchange and of course most crypto has a block chain and can be traced (assuming you haven't washed it or aren't using an anonymous token like Monero). It could be they were lax and are now tightening down, could be a false positive, could be new legislation. We plebs will never know.
  5. Having lived there in 2010/2011 and not drinking, smoking or doing drugs, i enjoyed it thoroughly and have fond memories to this day. I did see a lot of westerners getting smashed and riding around drunk on their scooters and several dieing and I'd suggest a more likely outcome based on my observation. I have lived in Thailand, The Philippines and Cambodia. I prefer The Philippines. I am back in Australia because I prefer the air here and have a house here I own. I was recently again in The Philippines and was looking at a condo in Makati, walking about Makati and it seems like many big cities in the world if that's your thing ? I "retired" at age 35. I won't be entitled to the Australian pension at 67 because I have too many assets, the public pension in Australia is means tested. Not all of us are on the bones of our arse. I did spend some time in Laos last year and liked that as well.
  6. Wasn't there a thread from some guy on here who had overstayed for a decade (or more) and wanted to know what might happen when he went to leave ? A pity the thread was locked. i'd have loved to have know if it went well for him, could have show him this article 🙂 I'm curious as to how she was let back into the country if she was booted out once before ? As to the quips that this is only an article because she's a pretty girl, maybe they are unaware of how the world works ? I also have zero idea why she's not been bailed by one of her dozen boyfriends. Whole story is bemusing really 🙂
  7. Of course he is, until the court says otherwise. It's the same tragedy when people assume guilt over rape or child porn or murder whatever, for now the dude IS innocent. Presumption of innocence should be a fundamental right 😞 This is what happens when the internet piles on with guilty until innocent https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cumbria-64943465 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8718345/Sister-boy-17-killed-falsely-accused-rape-shares-ordeal.html https://metro.co.uk/2018/03/19/man-took-life-fake-rape-claim-left-living-hell-7397912/
  8. bring on electric bikes ! 🙂 Quite few e type step thru bikes in Luang Prabang when I was there, quite as.
  9. Thaksin wants Phuket to be one of the anywheres ? I have a small (tiny?) holding and have had for many years, skin in the game to better understand it. Only thing I have left is Ripple, Nano and Etherium as to my mind they have uses.
  10. What visa are you getting for three months ? You'll need to attend immigration as you only get 30 days on arrival, then a 29 day extension waiver can be applied for, then there is more plasterwork needed after that for further extensions. Supposed to be able to do it online but.... 🙂 it does't work for me https://e-services.immigration.gov.ph/ As to your other question about a one way ticket, I have been asked once in many trips to Thailand, I lied and said I was catching the bus to Cambodia, that seemed to satisfy the counter staff, presumably because I had an answer ? I have never been asked at immigration, only by airline counter staff upon departure from Australia. Of course that wont work for The Philippines and it does say on the front page of the immigration web site https://evisa.gov.ph/ though the last two times I have only had one way tickets You're also supposed to register with their visitor app, last time airport staff were asking arrivals if they had and pulling people aside to go do it before they get to immigration if they hadn't. I had but there was no checking at immigration. That was last year though. https://etravel.gov.ph/
  11. Any better ? Back in 2010 when I lived in Sihanoukville, every pile of stuff from leaves to dirty nappies was burnt on the side of the road. At least a sea breeze helped but no sea breeze in SR.
  12. but how ? her privacy wasn't being invaded, you cant be "private" and "public" at the same time, its like being drunk and sober.
  13. Surely not ? or all and every CCTV would be illegal, as would things like door ball cameras, dash cams etc
  14. For many years, I had a apartment on the beach here in Australia (Gold Coast), I say beach but I walked across a green park and used to swim in the ocean often. The views from the 15th story were wonderful. I sold up a few years ago. I'm not even close to rich.
  15. This is literally what conservatives hate, the 15 minute city. There's lot of push back in many developed countries to stop people doing that, apparently living in scattered urban areas of bland sameness, being forced to spend your hard earned buying a car is aspirational https://www.politico.eu/article/dont-lock-me-neighborhood-15-minute-city-hysteria-uk-oxford/ Not the USA I hope ? Your body my choice 🙂 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/11/business/your-body-my-choice-movement-election/index.html Lots to like about Thailand, The Philippines, Cambodia and even Laos, etc ... I like all of them. if you have money. The biggest of the inescapable downsides are mostly around air quality, which can have deleterious health effects long term. I have a place on 2 acres in rural Tasmania, noted for the cleanest air in the world, a get away from the madness of the world and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle that it brings for several months a year but (within reason) I have the wherewithal to be where I want (visa dependent) so I take the benefits of that as it suits me. I had thought many years ago to make Thailand more permanent but I think being an iterate hobo suits more more.
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