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  1. What visa are you getting for three months ? You'll need to attend immigration as you only get 30 days on arrival, then a 29 day extension waiver can be applied for, then there is more plasterwork needed after that for further extensions. Supposed to be able to do it online but.... 🙂 it does't work for me https://e-services.immigration.gov.ph/ As to your other question about a one way ticket, I have been asked once in many trips to Thailand, I lied and said I was catching the bus to Cambodia, that seemed to satisfy the counter staff, presumably because I had an answer ? I have never been asked at immigration, only by airline counter staff upon departure from Australia. Of course that wont work for The Philippines and it does say on the front page of the immigration web site https://evisa.gov.ph/ though the last two times I have only had one way tickets You're also supposed to register with their visitor app, last time airport staff were asking arrivals if they had and pulling people aside to go do it before they get to immigration if they hadn't. I had but there was no checking at immigration. That was last year though. https://etravel.gov.ph/
  2. Any better ? Back in 2010 when I lived in Sihanoukville, every pile of stuff from leaves to dirty nappies was burnt on the side of the road. At least a sea breeze helped but no sea breeze in SR.
  3. but how ? her privacy wasn't being invaded, you cant be "private" and "public" at the same time, its like being drunk and sober.
  4. Surely not ? or all and every CCTV would be illegal, as would things like door ball cameras, dash cams etc
  5. For many years, I had a apartment on the beach here in Australia (Gold Coast), I say beach but I walked across a green park and used to swim in the ocean often. The views from the 15th story were wonderful. I sold up a few years ago. I'm not even close to rich.
  6. This is literally what conservatives hate, the 15 minute city. There's lot of push back in many developed countries to stop people doing that, apparently living in scattered urban areas of bland sameness, being forced to spend your hard earned buying a car is aspirational https://www.politico.eu/article/dont-lock-me-neighborhood-15-minute-city-hysteria-uk-oxford/ Not the USA I hope ? Your body my choice 🙂 https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/11/business/your-body-my-choice-movement-election/index.html Lots to like about Thailand, The Philippines, Cambodia and even Laos, etc ... I like all of them. if you have money. The biggest of the inescapable downsides are mostly around air quality, which can have deleterious health effects long term. I have a place on 2 acres in rural Tasmania, noted for the cleanest air in the world, a get away from the madness of the world and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle that it brings for several months a year but (within reason) I have the wherewithal to be where I want (visa dependent) so I take the benefits of that as it suits me. I had thought many years ago to make Thailand more permanent but I think being an iterate hobo suits more more.
  7. It is but CO2 leads to higher holding capacity for H2O in the atmosphere as vapour. (7% extra per degree of warming approx) that leads the logarithmic heating of CO2 to be mostly linear heating because of the forcing from the water vapour added to the forcing from the CO2 (and CH4 and N2O). The atmosphere cant hold more vapour (from any source be it buses, boiling your kettle or evaporation) as there is a carrying capacity in the atmosphere and it comes out eg rain, snow etc which is why storms are stronger (more water to condense as rain) under a warmer climate and then droughts are worse (it's hotter and the water quickly evaporates ie "green droughts") As a side note Gas buses still emit CO2 (colourless and odourless) etc, just less of it then diesel and the big advantage in cities, way less particulates (the black crap coming out the back of a diesel bus that's toxic to your lungs) E-buses are way better again. I was assuming you were unaware and that's a brief explanation but if you're being disingenuous, carry on.
  8. there's no plan for a RHD model is there ? I'd expect to see one in Camboida at some time. I doubt in most of the developed world it would in anyway meet accident standards.
  9. Same in many developed nations well, the US has a public defecation problem for example. https://www.nbclosangeles.com/investigations/homeless-people-are-without-toilets-and-going-in-the-streets-we-asked-the-mayor-of-la-why/2311759/ on the other hand, Sydney makes Pattaya's beaches look appealing, Sydney literally has balls of sh!t washing up on its beaches with 9 closed currently. Sydney invented beach culture,” Gosden says. “It’s Australia’s single cultural invention that’s been properly exported. And all the time, it’s been conducted in diluted sewage.” in New Zealand you can poop in public as long as no ones watching, unlike the piss buddies in the video 🙂 https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/pm-addresses-call-to-change-laws-on-pooing-in-public/WSTZKKBLUJ25GQU7KASGTS2A5U/
  10. OK, I'm all in. I have tried many times over multiple years (Pattaya, Bangkok and Hua Hin Bank branches at multiple banks) and ALWAYS been told by the service staff I need a retirement visa (I assume an elite would also do). I have emailed the banks, same thing. I said I need to come into the country, get a "retirement visa" but need a Thai bank account to get a retirement visa, catch 22.. these guys can match Australian Governments for levels of kafakaesque bureaucracy and gave up. It wasn't "its not difficult" that you assert. I am genuinely wanting to know how to go about this as I will be back in a few months I had assumed that's the actual law and anything else is just corruption (agency backhanders etc) but I more then happy to be told which branches and where ?
  11. Perhaps, but I love sitting near a fire, fresh made coffee while the weather is sh!tty outside here in Tasmania in winter (no snow but single digits) and reading a good book while streaming something from the zillion classical radio stations on my music system and the clear sunny cold winter days are glorious for hiking and biking etc. (presuming your still mobile of course) 84 yr old neighbour is out in a flash on his mobilty scooter on a clear winters day to see his plethora of friends
  12. I am reminded of Nassim Talebs interesting ideas on making sure you stay exposed to some stressors in your life, if you're still with it. By that I don't think he means challenge the local moto-taxi rider to a fist fight 🙂 but to do things that put you outside your comfort zone. I watch my 83 yr old mother suffer a slow slide into nothingness, doing the one thing she still enjoys and the rest of her day and week is in front of the TV and I contrast that with others of a similar age who are nothing like this. One 80 yr old I know is entering a power lifting competition for example. More travel perhaps, dealing with immigration can be a stressor 🙂 haha with some "flanuering" type travel mixed in, i.e wandering places with no fixed agenda and seeking joy from the unexpected you may encounter. A rail trip from Veintaine to Laung Prabag on the high speed rail, walk around the old city, along the Mekong mini bus out to the Kuang Si (sp?) Waterfalls and go for a swim etc, then fly back home Volunteering to help others less fortunate seems rewarding to many as perhaps another option, my parters mother is 78 and does that 3 days a week and seems engaged. That said, I am 59, I as yet don't have the wisdom of age. I am observing the 75-80 yr olds I know though for that exact reason though. I am also cognisant that those who are easily bored make for <deleted>ty company. I retired when I was 35, there always seems too much to do and not enough time. Perhaps this will change IF i get towards 80 ? NB "Anti-fragile" is a good read, I'm on "Fooled by Randomeness" right now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifragile_(book)
  13. Could also try this if you need more filtering ? Just uses 4 filters and a box fan, easy DIY https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corsi–Rosenthal_Box or leave for a few months as others have suggested
  14. What happened to the dude, did her defend her honor ? Or did he get off her and ran from a future date at the bench with His Honor ?

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