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Bruce Aussie Chiang Mai

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Posts posted by Bruce Aussie Chiang Mai

  1. Like soi3eddie no problems ever with Skype unless connection shows weak.

    I used world unlimited package for 8 years now, when in Aust got it so my wife could call back for hours to Thailand. My speed there was only old adsl quite slow always worked.

    At our house here in Chiang Mai we have 200/200 TOT works well if reaching router strong. Works fine on DTAC mobile data.

    I have a Skype number in Adelaide so anyone in Australia can call for free these days with their national phone plans.

    Sounds like not speed problem but poor router connection.




  2. Laying out fibre easy here compared to Australia.

    Australia slow laying out fibre due o regulations.

    No running wires overhead allowed many states and council areas.

    Any Internet provider can run 500 metres our house here at  no cost to us, just hang from power poles or trees.

    In Australia lots people still waiting because of regulations.

    I all good with overhead while you looking at that you miss rubbish on ground.

    Down side is fallen wires can remove the odd head.




  3. I been walking for 3 years 10kms a day around large reservoir 1 km from our house. Last 2 months area closed to outsiders completely.

    I walk every morning and now nobody to be seen as fishing totally banned.

    Amazing amount of bird species reappearing in large quantities.

    The trash plastic good bags and bottles ect no longer thrown about everyday.

    Close for 4 months give extra month clean up the garbage.

    Shoot poachers on sight problems solved.


    • Like 2
  4. 14 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    Perhaps the OP should consider finding a cycle path which is wider, so his sensibilities are no longer outraged.

    Theresa good 1 in South Australia very wide and long. Gets a bit bumpy around Odnadatta go have a look.

    We wait for your next post with anticipation.

    Don't forget your water.


  5. Bestatin and 1 baby aspirin a day works is all I take for last 4 years, Used to bring years supply from Australiaon special script also with pensioner rate was almost free.

    Over the counter here under 200bht. 

    If you have a heart condition besides the stent see the doctor first.

    Healthy lifestyle most important exercise and good eating


    My early checkup no A1.


    • Thanks 1
  6. If it's a rental fill from shower, if you brought install another heater and attach.

    We got 300ltr solar our own house never run out even overcast days.

    Also we have double spa which I like hot still have enough hot water. Has a booster but never used in 4 years.

    Impossible to put your hand under hot when been running without mixing cold.


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