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  1. you are smart ! but I understand that the surgery down there is scary for most...
  2. he just means that not everybody is an expired thing at 85
  3. Wrong ! doctors in private hospitals are NOT RELUCTANT AT ALL ! any private hosp does it without questions ! it's only public that limit the crowd. And people who regret what they do should buy a brain before doing it, lamers.
  4. bets decision ever ! yes !
  5. I always say yes but next morning i tell them that i changed mind ???? what else do you want to do with them anyway ?! MARRY ? HAVE KIDS ? 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555+
  6. What are people replying here ?! you really know nothing ?! OF COURSE THE OP IS CORRECT ! you can renew your license the day after expiration date or 364 days later, the result is the same, your license is valid 6 years ! if you renew right after your birthday you get 5 years + the year to your BD = 6 years if you renew 364 days after expiration date, you gate only 5 years, but you already got 1 year when your license was expired but still valid. Why is it so complicated for you to understand something so easy ? ah yes, I have an idea why...
  7. All Russian I know smoke weed and are very friendly ❤️
  8. what are people waiting to <deleted> this system when it's so easy to post daily negative reviews anonymously ?!
  9. I still wonder why some Thai cannot get it ? They said there is a limit in how many people can use it ?
  10. you really believe that any numbers are accurate ? you also think that millions people died because of the flu ? right ? Keep believing, this is exactly what they want !
  11. oh ! so good ! the yearly useless post about hot weather in summer... Similar to the west stupid news about snow in winter...
  12. why a company is in the news when already so may US companies are now growing weed in Thailand but are not in the news ?!
  13. I bring 10 bottles a month in my luggages since more than 20 years and have never been checked....
  14. but gov dentists do not do implants on foreigners, not sure about crows.

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