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Everything posted by Conquerbrqvilok

  1. Dear Members, After years of confusion, i decided to write my question here with the hope to find an answer, and answering with facts and reasons without being defensive After 15 years being in Thailand making every year an extension of visa I felt bored with the age, tired and I see the whole thing as unfair my question is why need to apply again for NON-O marriage/Custody every 11 months and +wait for 1 month, while there is an elite visa for someone who has no family in Thailand of 5 and 10 years Why the NON-O is not valid also for 2 or 5 years? And what's the concept of making people feel tired and unstable? It's very normal and logic to grant a short-term visa for tourists but not for some one married with kids that wants to feel a bit secure and doesn't require no help from Thailand Thanks Best regards
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