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Posts posted by FarangDoingHisThing69

  1.     Conveniently left out of your narrative is the fact that Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. The majority of Americans preferred for her to be President, not Trump.   Your prettily-colored map looks perhaps convincing to the gullible with all those vast, empty counties in the flyover states painted bright red but, in reality, America has a President the majority of the voters did not want.

    Yes, New York And California’s millions of illegal welfare leeches voted for the welfare queen.

    Thank god the founders wrote the constitution with this in mind.

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  2. That road coming off sukhumvit is literally always a traffick jam. A picture of a Thai couple on Pattaya beach also doesn’t convince me of anything. The majority of people on the beach are vendors. why does this smell like propaganda? and what’s the purpose? Thinking is believing is reality? Yes, traffick sucks there, but this is not somehow a sign of this low season not being terrible

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  3. why do you care?  Why should any of us care what they do with their money?  Good on her. 

    Principle is an oft-forgotten thing in today’s world. But, I will stand by my statement that some random woman simply got lucky by waiting long enough to cash out on a fool who trusted her. This scenario plays out across the world very often.

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    You are delusional. As such I am done. Amazon has been doing more than the market based upon news of a good settlement. Bezos runs AMZN and she is smart enough to let it rise. For your information AMZN is on fire and Jeff's wife has benefited from this. I remember buying AMZN 3 months ago at $1,375 and now it is worth $1,839.


    They will both become richer by doing this.

    But, doesn’t this prove the free market agrees, a random woman pretending to have say in such a venture being iced out, makes the price rise.. that this is a good thing? I think you’re trying to argue around me when you could just say yes, he lucked out only paying 35 billion to a questionable woman who only tagged along for his future wealth. It’s very obvious that any woman involved in any technology venture (HP, And others) Simply hamstrings a future growth prospect.


    Meanwhile, for others involved in nascent industries, it serves as a lesson to not fall prey to p**sy, and worry about building your legacy.



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    These people are too ignorant to understand what a great deal Bezos got. His wife will get richer if AMZN continues to climb which it will. Up $18 a share on this news. 
    Sorry up $21 a share

    That issue (or benefit) is irrelevant to me. but, it does tell me the stock market cheers when a straggler woman has no say in day to day operations of a real business.

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    Sorry, I don't buy that at all...  The ex-wife was in on Amazon from the beginning with her husband, and worked with him for a long time in developing the company into what it is....
    Plus, in this case, she wasn't the moving party at all that triggered all this. It was Bezos and his extra-marital attraction. If he wants to drop his wife for another woman, under the law, there's going to be a price to pay.

    Then I invite you to name the initiatives the straggler woman proposed and implemented in her 35 billion payout.

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  7. I am the other way around, never really liked cardio. I biked quite a bit when younger as its normal in the Netherlands. I never really liked cardio that much. I try to find things like loaded carries (farmers walks) and other stuff. I do got a rowing machine and elliptical. 
    But its mentally hard to do so, out in nature would probably be nicer a lot nicer. Lifting weights is just easy for me, I can push myself in short burst and not get bored. 
    Though I did get bored a bit after not having made any progress for years (few kg of muscle extra). The more you lift the slower progress goes. 
    I think people should do what they like exercise wise even if its not the most effective way or best way. My rowing machine is better then my eleptical but I get bored faster. I would give up easier.
    If its something you like (or not hate) it goes easier. And everyone has his or her own preference and all that matters IMHO is just doing something and keep doing it instead of doing something real good but getting bored and stopping.
    For me it all came together when I started to take care of my diet too, then progress really happened. Should have known that many years ago. We live and learn, never to old to start something and learn something new.

    NEVER discount a farmer walk. I live in Ukraine now, so I experience it plenty)

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    You aren't very informed on this matter. Give it a rest just because your wife would steal everything you have doesn't mean that is the case for everybody. This is a deal that is great for all parties. AMZN is up again on the news of this.


    I believe someone such as Bezos should have had the foresight to avoid such a situation. but, it’s his 35 billion dollar lesson to learn, and help others avoid similar mistakes.


    Also, AMZN rising kinda proves my point, nobody wants such a crazy suka having any say in anything.



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  9. There is the social aspect, but truthfully i just like working out alone too. Nobody to comment on my taste of music or how i set the aircon. If i look like crap in some old training gear nobody will notice.


    I did like the social aspect, and I liked the area they had for cardio / HIIT style training. But my training sessions got longer (waiting and a lot of talking at the end of sessions). It cut a bit too much into my time.


    But if Virgin had been open 10 years ago then I would not have bought all the stuff I have. There was nothing gym wise, i had to travel too far.

    I personally prefer a 20km distance trek or bike ride, makes me feel better. I do stick with weight training, as it’s all I’ve done since adolescence. I prefer cardio. Maybe I shall grace the sub forum with some input. Your gym inspires me to build my own, opposed to spending time with airheads who spend more time selfies than lifting.



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  10. I have not noticed too much over building in Chiang Mai most of the expansion was around 10 years ago.  it was done pretty orderly in housing estates.
    For me the problem facing Chiang Mai is a similar problem all over the world which is overpopulation and globalization.
    Thailand and many other developing countries are way behind the West addressing pollution, clean water and healthy foods issues. 
    If you have money you can take steps to get good filters for air and water and buy high quality produce.

    It’s the same issue in a different package, if I may say. Albeit with money, anything is avoided. This is same in most hellholes in USA. Does not exonerate the underlying area from its flaws. Thank you for your input. I will avoid CM until pollution is equal or less than Bangkok.

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