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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. well this is a question you should ask yourself! because if he wasn't wearing a full face helmet, it is OBVIOUS THAT the police would have noticed the absence of the mask. i don't think it is difficult to understand that i'm OBVIOUSLY referring to a full face helmet
  2. if he was wearing a helmet, nobody would have noticed the absence of the mask. now i leave you the pleasure of qualifying your own comments
  3. my guess is you didn't even wear a helmet, so what did you expect?
  4. after checking her pics, i understand why so "many assume", but i think she's wrong when she claims "so little know". there is a word called decency and obviously it isn't very decent to hold an official position while posing like a pin-up chick. that is to say "So many know"
  5. is a tabloid? they wrote about this assault "Whether this true or not remains to be seen", sos why not to investigate in order to confirm or to overturn the story before publishing it?
  6. it likely that they will held in the locak english language if you live in britain or in the usa, in dutch if you live in holland, in french if you live in france and so on...
  7. that is why i once wrote legalising cannabis in thailand won't make things "easier". if "many" thais can't figure out driving drunk is dangerous, will they be able to "understand" driving under the influence of LEGALISED" drug is dangerous as well? note: i respect thai people, have many thai friends, love thailand, speak more or less the language: if someone find my comments direspectful, it's just bad faith.
  8. ...there are 24 greek letters, and so far, we've had delta and omicron virus. let's be prepared for the coming 22 variants!
  9. ...that drinking water tank must have paid interest even higher than what bernie madoff was promising his clients before he got caught
  10. there is no full story there! i've checked
  11. i've been always wondering, and now i got it! the opposite of recreational marijuana is professional marijuana
  12. .5 doses! well then, even the craziest virus would be too scared to attack a human, i guess!
  13. that statement isn't a scoop! it was expected: soldiers show mutual solidarity
  14. "Food delivery driver injured after crashing his motorbike into construction barriers in Pattaya, blames sand on road" so what was sand's answer to the accusation?
  15. how this monk could have so much money? was he selling the food he had received from donors?
  16. well, thai muslims and other expats muslims are satisfied as there is less pork meat on the market, i guess!
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