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Pique Dard

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Posts posted by Pique Dard

  1. 21 hours ago, wayned said:

    This is what this election is going to be about.  He is going to attack the republicans from every angle painting them as far right socialists.   He doesn't want to get into discussions about health care and national debt because he has no plan.  He thinks that attacking his opponent in this way is a winner for him.

    he (trump) is going to attack the repubicans.....?

  2. i  don't how to tell you this, but maybe you should accept the situation as it is, ie wait/ take it easy until things settle down, don't rush for the divorce....! this is your second marriage, maybe you  were too quick to marry again after the first marriage and now you suffer consequences

  3. 1 hour ago, steven100 said:

    disagree ….  Aborigines have been given millions upon million of dollars every year for education, housing, medical, job experience and dozens of other programs. 9 out of 10 programs implemented within the NT or Kimberly region have failed due to management abuse of funds. They squander the money or don't use it for it's intended purpose. Look up the 4 corners episode on what was happening. But this is going back some 30 - 40 years so maybe they have cleaned up their act. 

    Also, 90% of coloured skin don't give a damn about their livelihood or their future … they only care about getting a flagon or bottle of plonk today. You only have to spend a couple of nights in Darwin mall to see what they are like. imo, money wasted. 

    ..why have they (arborigines) be given millions upon million of dollars...? if the country belongs to them, they are the ones who should/could give the money to the immigrants, am i wrong? is it normal that  a country is being ruled by the "foreigners" at the expense of the nationals?

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