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Posts posted by nickstav

  1. I checked the stats also. Your figure is correct, but it includes those being held just for being there illegally in the first place. Also, the largest percentage of illegals in prisons are there for drug charges. BOP reports 46% of the entire prison population are there for drug offenses (includes citizens and non citizens). So by your reasoning if you really want to save money spent on incarcerations just legalize all drugs.

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  2. The first time I went to get a verification letter from the consulate in Chiang Mai I brought along my original award letter from my government pension system, which clearly stated that I would be receiving this amount for life. I wasn't getting SS yet and didn't need it to qualify as my pension amount was more than enough. The young lady behind the counter looked at the award letter and asked me to wait a minute. She got on the phone and made a call. I was wondering what was up. A few minutes later a young man came to the window and introduced himself as the Vice-Consul. He looked at my award letter and said, "so you worked for the government?". Then he began to laugh. He said we don't need to see this, just raise your hand and swear that what you wrote on the affidavit is true. He was very nice about everything. I thought to myself, this is the stupidest thing I ever saw that they just take my word for it. I worked for the government for 30 years in a management position and would never attest to something just based on someone swearing to it. I also know they could very easily verify certain types of income, i.e. pensions, SS, if they wanted to.

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