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Posts posted by jii

  1. first off if you remember back when there was the bali bombing guess how greatly greatly benefited from that? thailand thats who. an incredible number of people did cancel bali and switch to phuket and other parts of thailand.


    i bet alot of these green tourists just cant handle the situation. and they just see on cnn or bbc or abc or dw or whatever news and see bombing in bangkok thailand and not realizing or fully understanding that its far from phuket and get overly scared.
    Probably true. I got flooded with emails after the tsunami once people realized it had taken place in Thailand - not knowing that Bangkok is 800 kilometers to the north and all we had was a little shaking from the earthquake.
    im sure tourism all over the place will go way down.

    Don't think so. Certainly hope not. But many people will simply ignore the news unless it actually takes place in Phuket or Samui or other tourist hotspot. As long as bombings don't take place at Suvarnabumi Airport (fingers crossed), most people will see it as just a way station since they connect directly to their flights elsewhere.

    What you are suggesting is no different than a bomb going off in Manila, and visitors to all of the Phillipines are suddenly down significantly. It hasn't happened in the past, and there is little about the situation here that suggests any different.

    There are plenty of visitors to this forum that are probably on their way to LOS sometime soon - and again I haven't personally seen any sign that they are planning to cancel their trips, especially those off to parts other than Bangkok.

    in a sort of unrelated but related to me anyways and amusing. i just got a phone call from my girlfrined sisters husband warning me not to go the lotus. this lotus that i goto all the time was the one that was hit yesterday. in the 6 years ive known them ive never once heard them speak englsih as i can speak thai

    anwyays all i get out of him on the phone is him yelling at me lotus, lotus danger-lus, danger-lus. dont go dont go i dont know where he mangaged to learn that from. so will i be the first one to cancel my holiday plans to the lotus? decesions. decesions.

  2. well what do i know really. as what do any of us know really. BUT if you look at the bali bombings the prices of all hotels and holiday packages droped a ton. at the end of the day everyone has to eat to something. and some money is better than their already way to high prices. ok indo aint thailand so i cant say for sure.

    Bali is a tourist destination. If Phuket had been the location, you would clearly be able to draw the distinction - after all, Phuket was severely damaged by the tsunami and actually experienced this major price flux.

    Bangkok, however, is not what one would call a tourist destination. And its economy is primarily driven by the residents, not the tourists.

    ok your right on that one. for people in the know. BUT lets bring up the subject of green tourist. first off if you remember back when there was the bali bombing guess how greatly greatly benefited from that? thailand thats who. an incredible number of people did cancel bali and switch to phuket and other parts of thailand. so we know now that more a few of the tourists that come to thailand are green and easily scared. so if they came here cause they were scared shitless of bali i bet theyll once again pick up their bags and head to the next country. ###### ive been held at gun point in cambodia and robbed. i was smart thou and only brought the usual $5 usd with me. did that make me get on the next bus out of there? not at all. and i still go back to this day. i bet alot of these green tourists just cant handle the situation. and they just see on cnn or bbc or abc or dw or whatever news and see bombing in bangkok thailand and not realizing or fully understanding that its far from phuket and get overly scared. im sure tourism all over the place will go way down.

  3. For the most part, the only area affected will be Bangkok. Arrivals in Phuket, Samui etc. will not be affected so don't expect prices to change much there.

    In Bangkok, most of the hotel demand is from businesspeople and people passing through on their way to other domestic and international locations. I don't think you can expect the prices of hotel rooms to drop very much for any extended period of time. Prices of goods also won't go up because the demand is primarily from residents who aren't going any where any time soon.

    well what do i know really. as what do any of us know really. BUT if you look at the bali bombings the prices of all hotels and holiday packages droped a ton. at the end of the day everyone has to eat to something. and some money is better than their already way to high prices. ok indo aint thailand so i cant say for sure.

  4. The poster who said that if Tourists stop coming then at least prices will start to fall. How well do you know Thailand? Less tourists means less money so the Thais will INCREASE prices to keep their margin up!!! If this means even less tourists they will increase the prices again. Thai logic. TIT.


    well your right on that one if we use the TIT formula. but maybe when they have 10 percent hotel occupancy maybe not. or what will they do just completely shut down the hotels.

    but if you look at other countries such as bali. indonesia the bargains that were available after the bombings were unbeliavble. fact is too thailand has experienced incredible inflation in the 13 years ive been here. im not joking when i say 300 percent in baht terms. look at the departure tax at the airports. 13 years ago it was 200 baht. then 250 then 500 then this new airport very soon will be 700 baht. then look at the price of hotels, guest houses. before i got a bungalow in krabi for 40 baht. now according to my friends you cant find this kind of thing there. all you can find is 100 usd places. dont know just accurate that is. but definetly the hotel price has went thru the roof. then there drinking prices in thailand. then we come back to cambodia and i can still get $1 usd drinks. and pay actually the same or even less for hotels, guest houses in cambodia than i did some 13 years ago. why there is way to many tourists in thailand.

  5. if all the tourists go away then the prices will finally go down i hope. since the 13 years ive been here the prices are probably at least triple of before. while cambodia has many thing the prices are unchanged. then there is all the visa troubles crossing the border. yet ive even got free tourists visas in poi pet where the part is price its stamped gratis. why have i get free visas cause i am can speak khmer. but not as much as i like too. but they tested it already. fact is cambodia apprectialtes people coming to their country. thailand does not. perhaps this is caused from the massive numbers of tourists thaland gets which cambodia does not. so maybe the bight side of this is the thais will get off their high horses and start treating the foreigners that are here better.

  6. Wow, the farang circus is a real three-ring affair and all the gossipy old ladies are turbo-charged tonight.

    No matter what happens, from earthquakes in Taiwan to early closure of bars to airport openings to Internet slow-downs to global warming, the grannies on steroids have all the answers... and the answers are inevitably the same:

    • T.I.T
    • Tourists and foreign investors will stop coming
    • Thaksin is to blame
    • The police are to blame
    • The Muslims are to blame
    • TRT is to blame
    • The junta is to blame
    • This would never happen in Europe
    • This would never happen in UK
    • It's a feudal system

    Some of you need to make a few New Year's resolutions to get a life, to stop assuming if you ruled the world it would be a better place, and to stop clenching your butt cheeks 24 hours a day.

    Sawatdee pii mai

    Heheheheeee,, How very, very true!


    the pair of you are not being resonable on the posters. while some of the posts are pure specualation. quite a few are resonable. all you do is just attack everyone.

  7. that bombing at the lotus prachacheun i was planing on going there about 2 hours ago. but decided against due to lazyness. than afterwards found out about the bombing and did cancel all plans of going to a lotus. it is true that so far the places they have hit are defintely not places were westerners go to. that lotus ive seen about 2 westerners in it since it opened 3 years ago. and i do shopping once a week. that big c in sapan kwai ive also been to quite alot. that place has a few westerners in it. i think mostly from a few hotels in the area as many vietnam vets still hang around there as it was a big meeting place in the vietnam war peroid. at least to my knowledge.

    what is a little bit ironic is that as every holiday 1000 pepole will die mostly from drunk driving. here we have a bomb attack everything canceled and most go home. so i bet the this season the carnage will go down. one thing too keep in perspective bombs dont really kill that many people they have a bigger effect of terrorizing all. whereas your chances of getting killed by some drunk driver tonight is way higher.

  8. I for one am gettiing extremely fed up with the way tourists are being treated here. So much so that i'm considering leaving this country. We are treated as if we are fools and all they want is to take our money with no upgrades in service or thoughts for our welfare.

    Please leave I am fed up with people like u moaning about everything here -

    PLEASE GO - its far less than UK charge in taxes etc and I for one am fed up with

    people seeing Thialand as a sort of cheap place that they are entitled to come to and pay

    little - Personally id put a visa charge of say 2000 baht to come here and include free

    vouchers to national parks - that will not deter the normal proper tourist - bring revenue in

    etc it owuld also help stop so called tourists who do 30 dya visa runs - others on proper

    long term visas wont mind and it will make no difference to business travellers please go find

    somewhere el;se noone is forcing you to be here ok

    you know you say the airport tax is cheaper than the UK. but you also get alot more protection there is something goes wrong and hgher safety standards. Guess what that subway accident before in bangkok the victims got ###### all compensation and it was totally the incomdense of the thais fault. that would not of happened in the UK. actually that accident had something like 6 near misses before and they still did not learn from it. Then there was the tsnumai. They were thinking of calling a warning but were afraid it would hurt tourism. They put money before safety. Well now some 10 000 people are dead because of it. There would of been warnings in the west before hand. The governments of the west most of them anyone put public safety above profit. So guess what it everything better by alot cheaper here as you get so much less.

  9. another example


    May I also point out that you have been taken to task by moderators before for generally being bitchy and causing problems with people for no reason at all.

    If you want to have a go at my posts at least get your fact straight, then you can reply by PM as moderators have told you to do before when you want to be a troublemaker. That way I can just delete them and not have to reply to defend myself against posts by yourself that are not based on fact.

    I put it to you that you are a bored moany old queen with nothing better to do that nit pick constantly at peoples posts. I've put up with it for months and as none have been directed at me i've let it go, now you try to argue when your facts arn't even straight.

    say something useful or don't say anything at all.

    I agree with most of what you are saying. There are so many uneducated trouble makers on this site. It is a farce. By the way many expats living in thailand have also really compained about some of the posters on this thai visa news on other thailand websites. So you are not alone.

    I myself am really getting near the end of wanting to stay even one day longer in thailand. the thai goverment have a real shitty attitude towards foreigners and tourists. Like you said it is true they feel that foreigners must pay thru the nose without any extra value added. I am sick and tired of thai organizations putting a gun to my head with pay or else attitude. Guess what not only are individuals fed up with thailand so are many of the airlines. Did you know that the landing fees at Don Muang are double of Singapore and triple of K.L. Malaysia. How can they possibly justify that? Didnt Singapores Changri airport win for best airport in the world or something like that? And guess what something like 11 airlines have already said ###### it with don muang and moved there hub to singapore or k.l..

    I have a son here with thai so that is the only reason i am still here. And get this everyone thinks Cambodia is worse than Thailand. Thing again the last time i went thru poi pet with my son after giving the money for 1 visa for my son in his separate passport they gave all the money back after asking what i was doing in cambodia and testing the level of my khmer speaking ability. Wow i was surprised. The passport was stamped GRATIS on the fee part. And yet if you read the rules for cambodian tourist visas it clearly says children must pay for visas if under their own passport. That money so very easily the khmers could of just pocketed. But they gave it back. Something a Thai would never do. Fact is you as a foreigner will get a much better shake than you will in Thailand. Fact is the khmers are happy for you to come and see their country that is part of the reason behind the 100 baht extra corruption if you dont stay at least 1 day in poi pet to make the u-turn. You might say well there is still corruption going on there with the 1000 baht instead of the 20 us. well the salaries in cambodia are really starvation wages so it is a little bit understable. And at the the end of the day after 13 years here in asia no thai goverment anything has ever given me break or heaven forbid 1 baht back.

  10. I have a double entry thailand visa that i obtained in phnom penh with great difficulty. would not of been giving the visa as the boss of the embassy has told me and told others that this place is not a visa mill and they are way to buzy to give anybody but khmers visas. reason why they are forced to give an average of 740 thai visas for khmers per day is cause thailand forces khmers to first get a visa from the embassy unlike vietnam, laos, malaysia that can get a visa on arrival. but i had a stong case and in the end did get the double entry visa.

    anyways trouble is that i noticed that the date stamped on the visa MUST ENTER BEFORE seems to give me less time to use up both visas than other thai embassy like the one in K.L., Malaysia. trouble is that the day it say MUST ENTER BEFORE CAUSES ME TREMENDOUS DIFFICUTLY TO BE ABLE TO TRAVEL OUT OF THAILAND AND BACK. the question i have is does the date stamped below this mean literally 1 calender day before the day stamped or can i enter thailand on this day? really either way it would make way more sense to simply say USE BY OR ENTER BY OR ENTER ON. native englsih speakers may take them literally as meaning one day before while non native speakers would have trouble even understanding what is printed.

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