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The Alien

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Everything posted by The Alien

  1. Thailand's political landscape is in disarray and is increasingly moving towards money-driven politics. Hopefully, this investigation doesn't end up resembling another soap opera.
  2. He's merely putting on a charming façade while he's in the South, attempting to impress the Malaysian Prime Minister. This man lacks any genuine sincerity.
  3. Political scene in Thailand today is at the lowest!
  4. ‘he expressed hope that the tragedy would not affect the city’s tourism.’ 😱
  5. As always, most hi-so will initially be excited, sharing a flurry of Instagram photos to showcase their experiences. But then what happens next?
  6. This will make Min Aung Hlaing happy!
  7. Sickening behaviors often happened at vocational colleges. The police always come up with poor excuses once the case gets the media coverage.
  8. Too many lives have been lost in just a week. Reckless drivers are endangering the lives of innocent pedestrians and motorists alike. It is imperative for the police and the transport ministry to implement a comprehensive overhaul of the system for issuing driving licenses.
  9. He said: "What? A general in charge of an anti-corruptionagency? What does he know about all the laws involved?" 🤣 What about his own daughter? Is she well-rounded about how to be a PM?
  10. People are fed-up with the double standard rules and it will leading many to question the value of participating in future elections.
  11. How do scammers identify individuals with substantial funds? Banks can prevent such incidents effectively by contacting customers to verify transactions.
  12. Well, everyone knows that ‘Thailand is land of compromise’.
  13. It’s all mess because of ‘invisible man’.
  14. This is not a god news for Myanmar opposition since Thaksin and Min Aung Hlaing used to have a very good relationship.
  15. Once a year they brought this up and after couple of days everything back to ‘same same’.
  16. Agreed. They will dragging this ‘promise’ until the next election date is fixed.
  17. Instead of creating additional committees and new laws, why not focus on utilizing the current legal framework for enforcement? Let's prioritize the enforcement of existing laws, beginning with ensuring that motorcyclists wear helmets.
  18. Why is acquiring new aircrafts often becomes a top priority for every incoming Thai governments!
  19. An order from the top floor suite of Police hospital.
  20. The serious problem is incoming and they should give this priority.
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