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David Whitemore

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Everything posted by David Whitemore

  1. If the shoe was on the other foot, the Thai would not have to pay anything, in Thailand the police are so corrupt, just because it's a farang they think we walk around with lots of cash and money is no object
  2. I agree with you bar girls are only interested in money, I met my wife very good education works hard never asked me for money, Northeast girls are better looking
  3. Minibus driver was probably driving recklessly as they do and the other driver got mad with him and took revenge
  4. These bans are stupid, because all people do is go the day before and buy their drinks and drink at home
  5. Only way to make them pay, use private companies like grab or similar
  6. Taxi drivers in Thailand have always ripped farangs off and they won't stop
  7. If that was a Thai person and it happen in the UK, the UK would get that person home not sit waiting for money and no expense to the family
  8. I hope when he goes to prison that the inmates treat him the same and make him eat ????????????
  9. Russian can be troublesome when they get drunk, if they cause any trouble they should be put on a plane and sent back like any one else
  10. They will try to find any dirt on him, because they are not happy with the party win, chatting with a few Thai people in my area and they are very happy for him to be the next PM
  11. So should everyone else 99% of Thai people drink and drive every day
  12. The military shouldn't be involved in politics once the government is formed, the military will be controlled by the government
  13. If they introduce this tax, I think farangs will look else where to settle
  14. Totally out of order having to pay to leave Thailand,
  15. It's only a band in bars and clubs which will be closed anyway, shops will not sell but it doesn't stop anyone buying the day before and drink at home or have a party at home.
  16. Like he said he only pick up foreign people because he rips them off by over charging, I would never use a taxi if they don't use the meter
  17. The owners of the hotels should pay more and not relying on the government
  18. The British guy should be made to pay the guy medical bill and then deported we don't need people like him
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