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Posts posted by Odisan

  1. Can't recall his name, but I remember last year the case of the chappie who was in this scheme for the last 4 or 5 years and then his money ran down. When he couldn't maintain this status, his visa was downgraded to a tourist visa and was out within 30-days (Covid-19 permitting). When you've got the money, you're in but don't let past results cloud future events. No money, no compassion. As long as 'you' understand that.

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  2. 37 minutes ago, peter48 said:

    Thailand should welcome English teachers. Its the international language for tourism & air flights and probably high technology & science, medical knowledge. So why is this once Land of Smiles so anti-things. Thai education and economy has been judged to be  lacking compared to other SE Asian countries whose education systems are judged ahead of Thailand. Advanced economies are knowledge and globalized  economies. 

    Well, duh! Thailand wants qualified English teachers from the main countries, but when they start talking about $$$ they typically get no further than $.

    • Thanks 2
  3. 3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    "They didn't think it through..." 

    There seems to be a lot of that, these days...

    Pre-social media, you could get away with a helluva lot of ineptitude; now... It's not only farcical on an almost daily basis, but also plain for everyone to see.

    We get that they're going to be swamped, but if you can only process 20 renewals an hour and 5,000 people need to renew, and there's just 48-hours to go... it ain't difficult!

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  4. 3 hours ago, Fat George said:

    If it's true, then the Thai immigration dept. have really shot themselves in the foot with this latest U turn. From now on, you can be sure that many people on the visa amnesty will choose to just ignore their empty threats of overstay fines etc. and stay here anyway. 


    When you set a deadline ( as they did on 26th Sep, for either extensions or exit ) then you have to enforce it. Or you lose face and are in a much weaker position. For those who left ( prematurely it seems ) this situation must be even more frustrating. 

    I agree and it's clear that (once again) it wasn't thought through. If you've got tens of thousands in a mad rush, then you either need to have the capacity to process them, the jail cells to throw them in, and a PR machine that's good enough to handle the backlash that's sure to follow.  

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