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Trip Hop

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Everything posted by Trip Hop

  1. Let’s be honest here, does anyone seriously think that he’s going to pay the $700 per course for your average Somchai when initially he wasn’t willing to pay $15 or less per shot for a decent vaccine? He’ll buy some for himself and his cronies to keep them happy and that will be it!
  2. At about $700 a course compared to a $10-15 vaccine, it’s not easy to guess which will be the preferred option though?
  3. Believe it or not but there’s not the abundance of flight choices out there that you would expect, mostly due to all the airlines running reduced schedules. They’re not really that cheap either? Be careful with your flight times too as you want to try to avoid landing too late in the day or you you’ll end up paying for a 2nd night in AQ which won’t make your flight that cheap after all? I can recommend Skyscanner.
  4. Oh about 8% up against the euro over the last 10 months? Our inflation rate is about a quarter less as well?
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