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Everything posted by Pravda

  1. Soon your Issan bargirl will ask for more cuz it's good for the country. Expect to pay 25% more if she is highly trained English speaker.....50 % if she understands German.
  2. I know a few Thai people who will pay for moderna and let you have your Astra Zeneca under the skin, no social distancing jab that no one outside Thailand accepts vaccine. interested?
  3. What does fluent mean exactly. My wife says her sister who worked 10 years at Japan Airlines and now lives in Australia for the last 10 years speaks fluent English. However, when I hear her speak on the phone I don't think it's fluent..... And I'm not even a native English speaker.
  4. I'm disappointed because things are getting worse and the government is being dishonest about pretty much everything. I am disappointed that my quality of life in Thailand has gotten 90% worse in the past year. I can only imagine how the average Thai feels like. But let's see if things actually get better. I don't think so. Most of the world has ready had a 3rd booster jabs. I mean a 3rd booster with 3 quality jabs. I still didn't have a single one.
  5. Last time I checked polygamy in Australia is a criminal offense.
  6. As opposite to bars. Only the highest quality of expat sits on a barstool.
  7. For CNN to report like this today it looks like the end of the world. I think the retirement for many will become a nightmare soon. I think crypto fanboys were right all along. This is like reading zerohedge, not CNN
  8. Or maybe judge them on what they wear....like polkadot.... polkadot...get it? 555
  9. I am disappointed with jocular replies
  10. How about a free GoFundMe account?
  11. Starting tomorrow (today fellow posters may change my mind) every time I go out and see a white guy/girl I'm gonna greet them with "hello fellow expat". Do you think I will get the same back, no reply or something different?
  12. For sho....the most obvious "variable' that comes to mind is that Thailand has a superior superhuman race....most likely a direct descendants from Krypton. The second distant variable is that someone is fudging the numbers. Also lol at my fundamental mistake. Please inform Canada they should stop testing as desired vaccination rates have been achieved.
  13. Nah...just checked Canada which had one of the most successful vaccination rollouts in the world. Today's cases 4300 with population half of Thailand ...so basically the same amount of cases. So either vaccines don't work at all or Thailand numbers are a complete lie.
  14. Actually it's not. Not at all. Different exchanges, different prices. Every 16 year old would know this.
  15. Once you make a loso statement like this it becomes bleeding obvious you don't tip out of generosity, but because of small man syndrome. Just like a bargirl who marries a foreigner with some money and then tips everyone to show face. Most Thais make more than $1000 a month? Most means at least 50% of the population. What a total joke your post is.
  16. What do you mean by the way they live?
  17. I am worried about my family, does that upset you? I can assure you none of my family are anti vaxers. I not anti vaxer and am eagerly awaiting my prepaid moderna shot.
  18. I'm not talking about symptoms after the vaccine. These symptoms showed after a month or two.
  19. Just curious if you're willing to take a bet on any of your rosy predictions. It doesn't have to be monetary. Q simple I was wrong admission will suffice.
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