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About Pravda

  • Birthday 09/01/1973

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  1. I went to this show on Sunday. Wife got free tickets at work. Not worth the admission price. VID_20220327_154652.mp4
  2. Time for a cheesecake. I'm not gonna let this virus give me diabetes without any fun.
  3. You want rights, go back where you came from. That being said, my wife is selling a condo with tenants in. If the condo is sold and the tenants are not assumed during the 1 year contract she has to refund all the payments the tenants made during the contract period. But that's my wife. She is a kind and gentle person.
  4. Awww....poor her and her extremely seriously serious medical condition. I guess I should be slapping 90% of aseannow for insulting me
  5. FedEx can and will ruin your credit history if you do a charge back
  6. Oops https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/currencies/dollar-yuan-china-reserve-currency-imf-economy-markets-centralbank-fed-2022-3
  7. Wow that was hilarious just like your every other thread
  8. My father was a soccer fan. Once I asked him who was he cheering for? He said he's cheering for his stomach. It makes a bit more sense in Serbian. RIP
  9. I thought Thailand was full of sophisticated Englishmen who did really well during their working years so they don't have to whine, cry and rely on petty government pension. Oh wait.....
  10. https://cryptobriefing.com/exxon-is-using-excess-natural-gas-to-mine-bitcoin/
  11. How do you know you didn't have covid already?
  12. Well that sounded a bit malicious.

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