I, likewise, think the article is poorly written and presumably/hopefully the author is not a native English speaker. However, many people (including novelists) use the phrase "hails from". Perfectly proper use of English (in that instance).
Are you suggesting that the Russian people are NOT being manipulated? Are you saying that you prefer the Russian approach of making it illegal to criticise the government? What better alternative to top-down democracy do you propose? bottom-up (such as gilets-jaunes) which would result in chaos?
They already do. It's called democracy. The only place people don't get to have a say in what leaders are doing in their name is of course Russia, where the opposite is true. Prison for those who speak out against the Russian regime
The content of this website is almost beyond words. Pure comedy gold. All the talk of biased pro-western MSM and you suggest this? It is so clearly pro-Russian propaganda that a 10-year-old could see through its bias. I might bookmark for easy access for those moments when I need a good laugh. Seriously you should all check it out. It's just too funny to miss
Well, it was mentioned in one of the video clips in which the Russian media are discussing it with their military "experts". I think the link was provided by one of your equally deluded Russophile friends
You are deluded if you think only individuals/corporations on one side profit from a war. But in this case, neither of those companies you mentioned controls the market and neither did they instigate the events that gave rise to their share price increases. The support of Ukraine in this despicable conflict is not about money. This is about supporting the victim of one county's attempt to destroy another. A conflict driven by one egomaniac's desire to see his beloved Soviet Union restored (as he alluded to in an audience with students many years ago)
But the obvious concern is how would they have known what would happen. The man with the grenade was only a few metres from the hostage. Shooting the man may have caused him to relax his grip on the grenade and drop it or worse still release the grenade forward (since he was running...ish) towards the hostage. Too many unknown variables. I'd like to think that the marksman knew something we don't. But then you have to think if they knew the grenade was not "live" or dangerous, then why shoot him? It looks to me like they took a gamble with the hostage's life and got away with it