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Everything posted by Yamu

  1. OP should be careful. Thailand still has the death penalty for drug use
  2. Sex tourists still prefer Thailand and the Phillipines coz there is slightly less aids and they don’t feel so pathetic with their tiny Willy’s like they do around africans
  3. Reckon most come to lol at the pathetic farang marrying ladyboys
  4. i am South Australia and let me tell you, being south Australian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, south Australian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off. suck my dick op suck my dick.
  5. Yes they seem more assertive than the men. Probably the reason they continually cuck the men with foreigners
  6. Your mother never complained
  7. As I’m practically a local now I often drink with Thai men at local bars and ask them as such. Being submissive and weak or maybe coz I’m 6 foot 5 and bench press 180kg as well as being a golden gloves boxer they continually act submissive and weak
  8. I could steal the wife of a Thai mans wife and he would probably just smile at me. They settle for what they can get and the prime grade women can get westerners which is why they go for them
  9. If you have to ask if you are a sexpest I have bad news for you
  10. Your girlfriend was paid for by your bar fine and she will leave you the second she realises that your idea of a great holiday is travelling around on a sewer on wheels and staying at the same places the lowest of the low in society live
  11. OP spent his whole time in Thailand trawling for ladyboys in Pattaya
  12. Hard to disagree with the OP. 98% of the sex pests I know live in Thailand as it’s so easy to get pussy even @Yellow Fever and @Mekmong MICK can pick up. Gets your real Steve types who can’t pick up a girl irl
  13. They don’t have the testicular fortitude
  14. so in other words the Thai men are cucks
  15. incorrect. They are taking the dregs that the non sex pest style farangs leave behind
  16. Lets be honest youre looking for someone to pull your pencil. Just go to a bar girl (or ladyboy) friend
  17. Just finalising the last few chapters
  18. Hello flogwallahs, I have now been in Thailand for 3 weeks so i am practically a local now. One thing that has struck me is why the local men (and even the vast majority of the localised farang) are so submissive. I dont mean to be offensive however between half the men dressing as lady boys for sex and the remainder sitting by and just watching as westerners come in and steal all the prime grade women and they do nothing but smile and cower. Occassionally an uppity mong will try and do something sleezly like scam an unsuspecting foreigner but as a culture they are extremely submissive. Reminds me a bit of red headed south australia doctors who let their wives wear the pants and sleep with the tradies while the husband is on night shift
  19. OP is only in thailand as he is fleeing his creditors
  20. You face the same kind of issue in Angeles City. I was there looking for genuine connections with a 20 year old for my five day trip and the scowls from other expats was something else to behold
  21. reckon we can lock in a real 3/10 (9/10 by south Australian standards)
  22. spoken like a true northerner
  23. I find it middling at best. South Australia has the best Pho outside of Southern Thailand
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