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  1. warsaw ghetto is also apropos . I would suggest finding any evidence at all, for the incessant expressions of complicity in genocide, and think before posting. otherwise its just a <deleted> for the poster, and DOA
  2. yeah just more obvious IDF/ADL slander to distract from their heinous war-crimes, and starving children
  3. btw would you say that Lula and Prince William are now like Corbyn "anti-semitic" ? Brazil's Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira on Israel declaring Lula persona non grata: "For a foreign ministry to address a head of state from a friendly country in this way is unusual and revolting...It is a shameful page in the history of Israel's diplomacy."
  4. Minister of Social Equality & Women's Advancement, May Golan of the Likud, during a Knesset hearing about the motion to expel MK Ofer Cassif: "I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza, and that every baby, even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did" its all related Nick
  5. ICJ, says you and yours need to stop, allow the children to have water and be fed, just stop already. “these men are surprised that this is the law; they really are surprised that there is any such thing as law. These defendants did not rely on any law at all. Their program ignored and defied all law…. International law, natural law, German law, any law at all was to these men simply a propaganda device to be invoked when it helped and to be ignored when it would condemn what they wanted to do.”
  6. this is what your supporting with your tacit approval, IMO. “these men are surprised that this is the law; they really are surprised that there is any such thing as law. These defendants did not rely on any law at all. Their program ignored and defied all law…. International law, natural law, German law, any law at all was to these men simply a propaganda device to be invoked when it helped and to be ignored when it would condemn what they wanted to do.”
  7. sadly Israeli could have been a refuge for all Jews, not just European/West Jews. Instead from the beginning, it became an apartheid state, excluding even Middle Eastern Jews from full citizenship. and a fortress against all arabs, especially those who sought to retain their rights& lands, it needs to return to genuine ideals that it espouses only for Western Jews. IMO
  8. the country the cried wolf
  9. sadly, when you destroy secular middle-eastern countries you end up with blowback. esp any that challenge western hegemony, even worse putting their own people first via socialist programs. maybe if the UK/US had not overthrown Iran with dirty tricks, but you know that history, right?
  10. reminds me of claiming the anti-genocide marches and now South Africa, are all anti-semitic. in the end /long run, this works to shield the real anti-semitic far-right white power groups. or trying to pretend that an ethno-state or ethnic cleansing is what all jews support and want. Which is easily disproved. So, the same with the constant Hasbara for anyone of conscious or not captured by ideology
  11. don't believe everything you read. they've already bombed the entry wall to Sinai once, they will make their excuses, as we've learned
  12. you have your opinion, I have mine. 100,000 dead or injured 70% women & children. looks like Death to me.
  13. IMO, Zionist will never allow 2 states, just listen to them. Their mission has never really been to "get rid of Hamas", it is to take all the land by any means necessary. This is the best explanation for the behavior of The Israel State, since the beginning.
  14. the prisoners tried to escape the death camp, can you blame them. No one is excusing violence, but to constantly return to the trope, of "hamas started it" and whatever new evidence-free IDF agitprop, is childish, and I would suggest something worse. As to what happened on oct 7th, how about an independent investigation, now, since its so important to justify the genocide ans: Israel will investigate itself , if ever. ; result just more repeated obvious lies
  15. I think its safe to assume esp in the case of the IDF, even pre new Nakba. the first casualty in war is the truth. the difference being the genocide-complicit media controls most information worldwide at this stage.
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