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Posts posted by CaptainJack

  1. You have to love this.  Another reference to China's BRI and the ever distancing of the USA from Thailand.   At the same time,  another news item on the ever increasing tariff wars.  All these geopolitical shifting sands as I wait to hear if I'll be returning to Vietnam for a year of work (living there,  not Thailand again) and seeing a very different world emerging.   Interesting. 


    BBC News - India announces retaliatory trade tariffs against the US

  2. While in China last year, there were places the only way to pay was with WePay, part of the WeChat application.   That and virtually nothing related to Google would work.  How long before China extends their full reaching control to financial and communications in the AEC group of nations, with Thailand leading the band?


    Oh yea, this is definitely a sign of things to come.  


    PS. I removed WeChat from my phone yesterday after the latest version required it run in the background 24x7.  It's bad enough with all the surveillance going on in the world today, including the USA, to also have China tracking our every move. Geez.....



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  3. 5 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

    Why bother coming here in the first place, if this was your main concern ?

    Was not my main concern.  I owe you and nobody any explanation.   Bottom line? I'm taking care of me and those I love in Thailand while everyone else is stuck.  Wait Thaiwrath.  Things have not even started to go downhill in Thailand.  Thank God I got out before I was to far in to get out.  Good luck.  I'd hope for better days ahead for everyone.   


    PS. I can send directly to my Thai family enough money monthly to never worry again.  God speed......

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  4. There is a wake up call coming,  and it will be interesting to see what happens.  When Thailand gets on Trump's radar, and he has no compunction with demanding the Thai government picks a side.  


    Things are just starting to get interesting. 


    PS. Sitting comfortably back in the USA,  supporting my Thai family from abroad.  Best decision I ever made. Go home while I was in charge of my future,  not another country's government. 




    • Confused 1
  5. 3 hours ago, simon43 said:

    This thread has raised a few hard facts that expats living in Thailand need to face:


    1) Despite a recent forum poll that I posted, it seems that many expats have neither a comprehensive medical insurance policy, not sufficient funds to cover the cost of a major illness/accident, (and no means to replenish those funds either).


    2) Many expats seem to be under the illusion that they will stay healthy until the day that they die in their sleep.  Sorry, but life doesn't work that way.


    3) Regardless of what visa type (O-A, O etc) will fall under these new health insurance rules, the simple fact is that you either need comprehensive health insurance, lots of $$$ or are able to return to your home country for free medical care - if that is available.


    4) Those of you who intend to relocate to Cambodia etc are missing the point!  You should still have the means to cover the costs of hospital stays - just because the visa in Cambodia doesn't make medical insurance/$$$ a requirement for issue of that visa, doesn't mean that everything is going to be fine and dandy after you stick 2 fingers up to Thailand and move to Cambodia - in fact, you're probably at a higher risk of falling ill or having a serious accident LoL.


    5) If you're complaining that the available insurance policies don't cover your pre-existing conditions, well welcome to the real world!  Unless those conditions are 'dormant', then why on earth should an insurer cover you for this - the likelyhood of a future claim is high.


    6) If you're complaining that you're too old to get cover, (not true anyway), or it's too expensive, well welcome to the real world!!


    No-one in this world owes you anything.  You need to face facts and make difficult decisions,.


    I'm not gloating at anyone.  Although I do have medical insurance, I don't have the financial means to remain in Thailand after my current visa expires.  I've been here for 18 years, have lost all family ties in the UK, and have no idea what I will do...


    But for heavens sake, stop moaning and be man (or woman) enough to recognise that regardless of your visa type, you need to make the difficult decision to ensure that if you are seriously ill/injured etc, you can be cared for in hospital.  That could mean returning to your home country.


    Don't put off making that decision in the vain hope that you'll live healthily to 100 years old.

    Well stated simon43. I don't have much to offer. I have kept track of the TV topics because I have a few friends still in Thailand. 


    First, I can't imagine what you or anyone else is going to deal with returning home after 18 years. I gave up my retirement dreams of Thailand after a year, and was really thrown a curve ball when it came to dealing with no family,  only a few friends,  no car or possessions.  It has not been fun, but, slowly getting my stuff together.  

    I left Thailand on January 8th! 


    Ok, I bought a car and today finally got my own place to live. Oh, and I'm only 67.


    You would think my being a combat veteran and having faced my own share of challenges would have made me more resilient.   Did not make it much easier.


    My only addition are these few things. 


    For those leaving,  get your plan in your head before you go.  First and foremost,  get a car. I could not get a loan because I did not have an verified legal address after being gone a year and had to tap my cash to buy a used car.


    Prepare for all kinds of obstacles passing a background and credit check just to rent an apartment. 


    Be very careful of criminals that will try to scam you.  They are everywhere and can smell blood.   


    Be prepared to accept you will live far below what you can imagine right now.  I slept in a tent and the back of my car some to save up cash.  


    Don't give up hope and don't drink too much.  


    And last.  While a blessing and a curse,  I kept in contact with my girlfriend.   She has helped me and I her emotionally.  She pointed out to me yesterday something I think is really important. 


    She said to remember,  Thailand is part of the AEC and all the SE Asian countries will eventually adopt the same Visa and medical insurance requirements.   


    Moving to Cambodia or Vietnam may be only delaying the inevitable.....


    Good luck.  I just turned the corner and see light at the end of my tunnel.  I hope the best for all of you....


    Oh! Here is a good source for free camping in the USA. 



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  6. I'm kinda surprised nobody has really talked about the agenda the PM is promoting when he attends the B&R Initiative in Beijing.   Nor has anyone even talked much about the longer term effects the EEC will have regarding western influence in the region.  What this will ultimately mean for farrang life in Thailand?  I mean to say, the original question,  "would you recommend retirement in Thailand "?



  7. 50 minutes ago, DepDavid said:

    So did you go with Cigna? I did. My rates are a bit less because of age. They cover me anywhere except America because healthcare is so expensive there. If I need an outpatient visit for something I go to the local government hospital. I use a private lab for yearly blood tests which costs about 1500 baht. Cigna was certainly the best bet for me.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I desided on Geoblue.   It is part of Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  The key factor for me was because I already have retina issues and high cholesterol, I did not want to risk exclusions based on preexisting conditions.   Not cheap, but covers me as good as my Medicare/Advantage plan in the USA. 


    I cannot return to Thailand because of my visa being obtained by the visa company bribing an IO (without my knowledge) and depositing 800k bt and withdrawing it the next day, which immigration caught on my 1st 90 report.   


    If I do want to live in Thailand (as of now no), I had very clear instructions from a 20 year veteran officer in immigration to depart Thailand,  let my retirement Visa expire and reapply. 


    I have no problem meeting the income requirements.   It was a horrible screw up and I took the fall.  


    If I was to come back, my medical insurance will be between 1200 and 1400 US dollars a month. 


    I have the exact same coverage when I'm traveling for fun or work for 200 US dollars a month,  so I will likely just go back to my old program and visit Thailand once a year.


    Bottom line for me was I caught grief at my second 90 report and I was clearly informed that I had to produce my original bankbook for my renewal.   I was risking arrest for collusion.   The visa company has already left Thailand and are nowhere to be found. 


    So, Geoblue for me.  Expensive,  but worth my eyesight and heart....

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    There are Thai hospitals that direct bill FMP.  VA will also accept information from a Thai doctor and hospital to qualify for a disability.  Check with your local Thai VFW or JUSMAG Bangkok for reliable and accurate information.  VA will also issue you letters of insurance coverage. 

    Thank you! Finally someone provided real information that can help others.  Thank you sir!

    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

    This is the part that worries me. To be 70, have to pay huge premiums and have no real cover for priors. How can someone planning 30 years of life know they can cover this. I doubt that not many put this requirement into their retirement plans and once locked into Thailand, understand later that they made a mistake.

    I hear you.  Everyone I know, even those with plenty of money and those just getting by are waiting to see if they goes through with their plan to tie medical insurance to retirement Visas. 


    They got it all ready with the draft proposal written and signed off by all the Thai key players.   I think they are going to do it.  They don't want us here, else none of what has gone down would have happened.   Sorry bro.  I said scr*w it and went home while I still was able. 




    PS. I hope for all that have lives, family and Thailand is home for them this rollercoaster ride is about over.  Nobody needs this c*rap in their retirement years. 



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