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Posts posted by Curmudgeonly59

  1. 22 minutes ago, overt2016 said:

    Some time ago He said He will sue the OZ paper that printed the fact that He

    spent time in jail in OZ,

    Question:  Did he actually sue???

    No. No suggestion of that, yet. 

    No mention either of the suggestion that, after being deported from Australia, he also then had to do three years' custody in Thailand - for rape & murder - for which he was subsequently acquitted. 

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  2. "...records suggesting...".


    That's a cute suggestion.

    There are also formal legal records suggesting that he was tried, convicted and sentenced by a court in Sydney for importing 3.2kg of heroin. Prompow, a young soldier in the Thai army at the time, suggested that it was simply a few kilos of cooking flour - just the kind of thing a young Thai soldier carries from Bangkok to Bondi. Got to eat something while in Sydney! Those Thai restaurants are damned expensive for a humble Thai soldier! The forensics lab suggested that the 'flour' was only 70% pure, and so it was suggested that it amounted to only 2.7kg of unadulterated heroin. At sentencing for the suggested conviction - only a suggestion from the judge mind you - it was suggested that young Mr. P do eight years, reduced to six for 'assisting police with their investigation' - the suggestion being that he squealed on his mates - the original sentencing suggestion was reduced to six years and it's suggested that he eventually went down for a four stretch. In later years, Mr. P suggested that he "...only slept at the state sponsored accommodation"

    There are also suggestions that he's changed his name on a few occasions - indeed - five times, is the suggested number. I've my own suggestions - but they probably won't make it onto Thai Visa, so I suggest readers do their own research and come to their own conclusions about his suitability for public office. Better to have him out in the daylight where the honest to goodness government can keep an eye on him. Just a suggestion.

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  3. Years since I've used counter service inside a Thai bank and yesterday I suddenly remembered one of the reasons why. Cash advance on a VISA debit card. Passport, ok. Then she asks me to sign a photocopy of my passport and (on the same A4 sheet) copies of both sides of the debit card, including the three digit CVV code! When I politely queried the need for that, it was straight into the usual officialdom and over compensatory aggression. Always amusing to watch the lightning fast switch from smiles and servility to open hostility, even at such a banal level of transaction. I smiled, and set about obliterating the CVV code. But really, with the debit card number, personal details from my passport, signatures all over the place they're not going to have the CVV number into the bargain. Bangkok Bank, by the way.  

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