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  1. Do not enter Thailand before the 6th.
  2. ZZ preferred the head butt.
  3. Thats right. I was using the figures quoted in Kerrys simplified example purely to demonstrate how calculations on assessable income should be made.
  4. 180 days makes you tax resident. 179 days or less to be non tax resident.
  5. The tax bill you cite is incorrect. The first 150,000 is zero rated. That leaves 530,000. The next 150,000 is taxed at 5% (7,500). That leaves 380,000. The next 200.000 is taxed at 10% (20,000). That leaves 180,000 taxed at 15% (27,000). A total of 54,500 baht.
  6. Preferably using a different phone. They already have your phone number so they will know it is you calling.
  7. I have had 2 cataract ops. Make sure you get an eye shield. NHS UK suggests you wear it at night. I suggest you wear it all day as well, for at least a fortnight. Get a roll of microporous tape to secure it. The last thing you want is dust/dirt getting blown into your eye. The anaesthetic was administered by eye drops. I have read that some people on this forum were given an injection into their eye. No thanks. For post op, I was given 2in1 eye drops containing a steroid and antibiotic for 4 weeks. Use a flannel to clean the area around the eye. Dont get water in your eye so careful with the shower. I went home half an hour after the op. Eye will be very watery for the first few days. Good luck.
  8. According to what I have read, that is true. Someone in receipt of a pension may also claim a deduction of 50% of the pension amount up to a maximum of 100,000 baht. Also, the first 150,000 baht of income is zero rated thus making a potential income of 500,000 baht tax free.
  9. I was under the impression that a person becomes tax resident if they are present in Thailand over 179 days. What a difference a day makes for some.
  10. Interesting. No apology necessary. I was totally unaware of the scenarios you describe. The account I opened many years back would certainly have been a non resident account. Nonetheless, I will convert into Baht this year. Thanks.
  11. On that basis, I would need to convert the money to Thai baht before the end of this year. I think I will do that anyway to be sure. Thanks for your reply and other input on various threads.
  12. I have a query which I hope yourself or someone else may have some insight. I import money via a Foreign Currency Deposit Account. At what point does the money become assessable ? When I import it or when I actually convert it to Thai baht ? A few years back there were a few threads relating to the bank deposit guarantee being reduced to 1,000,000 baht. It was stated that foreign currency accounts were not covered and one reason cited by a poster was that the foreign currency is technically held offshore. IF that is the case, when would the TRD view it as assessable, hence my query? I will not be tax resident this year but may be next year. Should I convert my foreign currency into baht before this year ends or convert at leisure next year and maybe fall foul of a TRD ruling that the money is assessable only when actually converted to Baht. Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  13. " A minimum of £100,000 (or currency equivalent) This can be in savings and/or investments across all your accounts with us. " Barclays International Bank Account. I assume any stock market type investments would have to be held through their stockbroking arm.

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