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  1. Royal Physiotherapy Clinic Pattaya. www.physiotherapistpattaya.com . Worth a visit. On 3rd road near to the old Tonys gym. They used to have another premises on soi khao noi.
  2. Tops supermarket, Central Festival Pattaya yesterday. Square tiramisu cake over 600 baht. A single portion, quite clearly a quarter of the large one, 135 baht. 135 x4 = 540. Head scratcher.
  3. I agree. It may also be that some of the more established members of old look at the forum but dont actually log in. Perhaps fed up with the abuse or being unintentionally sucked into arguments. Lots of amusing stuff posted on the Worst Joke thread.
  4. Banks want businesses to churn all income through bank accounts in order to charge more fees. Not disagreeing with your example.
  5. Totally agree. My view is that if both the banks and governments want cashless, ultimately, it cannot be good for the individual.
  6. Football commentators. They have a seemingly endless stream of mind numbing statistical trivia that no one anywhere would ever need to know. Then a team of several pundits giving a half time/full time "analysis" of the game. We know what happened in the game and why. We just watched it.
  7. Use a taxi app. At least you have some metal around you and a low price to boot.
  8. I personally know a man who has been working here for around a decade. His income in Thailand, even taking into account his personal allowances, means he has to pay tax. However, he has also been receiving an income from overseas, all remitted in the same year as acquired, that has never been declared. He would be in a whole world of pain if audited, please God he wont. I know some posters will say that the likelihood of that happening is remote, but that is neither here nor there. I am just responding to your valid point however likely or unlikely he gets rumbled.
  9. Thats a clever touch. His next thread may be "Why are people stealing my thunder?"
  10. I have an accountant who will do that for me, for a fee of 10,000 baht.
  11. and that it was previously stolen good point.
  12. It is proving to be difficult to get clarifications. Examples of misinformation from officials for sure. It has been said that pre 2024 cash in bank will be exempt but not investment portfolios according to Expattax and their TRD official. In another thread, tallguyinbangkok gets the opposite advice from an official. Obviously they cant both be right so I may as well toss a coin. Too true.
  13. Thanks for the reply. I am trying to establish where I stand if the day comes when being taxed becomes unavoidable. My thinking is partly due to problems I have had with the UK tax office in the past and their blunders claiming I owed tax when I clearly didnt. I really want to avoid a similar scenario here, especially as I dont speak Thai, so for me, other members experiences are useful. I take your point about the lack of coordination maybe being a good thing but I wouldnt want to rely on that.
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