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  1. Report it stolen to the Police
  2. Maybe they do but they have no legal right to one. The only person to decide if a Coroners Inquiry is carried out is the cotoner themself.
  3. I believe most airlines would say the safety of the passengers and crew was paramount
  4. Huge cues ? Must be all those snooker and billiards players being encouraged to travel by MRT.
  5. I think the article said free trains but if you want free trans you go right ahead.
  6. Of course not. They introduce policies for the benefit of their own bank balances, not the benefit of the electorate.
  7. This all sounds a little dramatic. Surely if someone is that ill that they fall into unconciousness before the flight departs, they should be removed from the flight and given a full medical assessment.
  8. A horrible way to go but I suspect although highly regarded, he was not highly qualified.
  9. If there's an insufferable tool it's got to be Elon Musk. The guy is totally losing the plot.!!
  10. From all your avid admirers on AseanNow please just make it a leaflet.
  11. If the rent you pay is not a financial benchmark, what is it ?
  12. Sounds like Chalawan has even less brains than his dogs. Why the **** didn't he stop them eating the food he saw someone throw into the garden.
  13. Wow 1% discount max 3Bht . I'm shocked and horrified.
  14. Sounds more like a way to show everyone what a "Big Man" you are. Are you so naive to believe the villagers dont know you gave with one hand and took with other. Sounds like you know very little .

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