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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. I asked this question earlier but never got a reply.

    Right now I am teaching (legally with a work permit) But I am looking at switching over to private tutoring in 2007. I am also getting married in 2007 to a Thai girl. I am 24 so the retirement visa is out and we won't be running a business. So what are my options. I am ignorant as to what I get through marriage, but from my brief understanding it's basically nothing.

    Seemingly perhaps working 10hrs at a private tutoring company for a work permit seems the best option...

    Thanks in advance!


  2. So my girlfriend was denied a visa to the U.S. Despite having ownership of a house, car, and being enrolled in Payap's master's program. We were told it is impossible for her to come because she is a single female...

    I looked at the Fiancee visa but we want to go home (oct 4th) to see my parents before we get married here (no set date). But we do not know where we will reside until we talk with my family. So basically it looks like the fiancee visais a no go. Which now means that the only month I have open (october) is not doable...

    I guess my only option is to marry here first, without my father being able to meet her and then fly home with her as my wife. What lovely bullshit this has turned out to be...

  3. Hmm yeah us young guys are horrible. But I am making sure to grow that farang gut and if I don't go bald I will shave it off. I gotta get fat bald and old fast so I can go to spicey and pick up a girl 20 years younger than me and is way outta my league, but hey I offer $ and maybe a greencard!

    (this post is in total jest to the young people comment)

    Not all of us are complete idiots, and I used the same baton on bargirls as i do the soi dogs :o

  4. Since I fit into quite a few of these categories I think I will lend any help I can. I have met quite a few other young farangs who live here. Usually they are teachers like myself. It might take awhile to make a network of farang friends but it can be done.

    Bars, there are tons of none BG bars. Warm Up, Monkey Club, Old School, Fine Thanks, The Glass Onion, Banrak, Neimenhamind road is a great place since it's close to CMU.

    I am stuck in huay kaew Residence for another month, I will either more to a better apartment or find people to share with. What do you consider cheap price wise?

    Farang girls, meh I don't pay too much attention to them. The only ones i know are leaving the country in two weeks and I knew them through an exchange program I did last year. The majority of young farang girls I see dress slutty by Thai standards and are clueless about the place, or are the backpacking yoga dreadlocked farangs. Personally I hang out more with Thai people than Farang.

    Chiang Mai is much more "cultural" After spending a month in Phuket town I got sick of it. Beaches only make you happy for a short amount of time. But metting people who don't view you as another tourist is nice. I get a better reception up here, because I don' have to break through so many perceptions. But don't think there isn't a sex industry up here.

    The climate is much nicer, often by 5+ degrees C

    It's pretty easy to meet up with a good group of people and avoid all the shitty bargirl facilities in Chiang Mai. I have been here 5 months so far this year and 4 months last year. I may not have the experience some of the older guys have on the forum and being a Yank seems to be a bad thing here, but I hope I was of help to you

  5. Yeach, check out Aden. The owners were my host parents and Tom not only carries a great amount of product, but knew great uses for them as well.

  6. Hey, new guy here.

    I think I can add to the list

    Staying around Neimenhamin road we have

    Monkey Club on Soi 9. It has a dancing area about the size of warm up where they alter between live and DJed music. The usual Thai choice of music. The outside sitting area is nice and they have accoustic music groups playing. You can barely hear the thumping of the bass from the dance hall.

    Bangrak is up Soi 6 and is a much more "western" club. Great live bands, TONS of people and lots of fun (I have a few pics from last night)

    I am not sure if Old School has a dance area, but it's down the Soi across from Warm UP.

    for non dance clubs we have

    Fine thanks, also on Neimenhamin road between Soi 7 and 9. Decent live band, great place to chill and the waitresses have themed outfits, somenights it's "naughty school girl"

    The Glass Onion is a lounge in Room one across from Warm Up. This place is nice, leather seats, redwalls, a glass wall with a waterfall behind it. They play a mix of Jazz and lounge music and then some techno. It is a GREAT place to relax, it is tiny but never packed.

    As for warm up, I don't like it. It's packed, it takes hours to get a drink, and since so many people pack into it and it has poor ventalation it lives up to it's name adequatly.

    I usually stick to Monkey Club, Bangrak, and the Glass Onion when I am done making my lesson plans.

    I have no clue about the places with the leering Farang since it isn't my scene, I perfer to be one of the few farangs and hang out with my Thai friends instead.

    Btw I am looking for GOOD techno, not Numa Numa, I spent College living on a floor with 5 DJ's and not only can I not find a decent place here, the Rave scene at the full moon party sucked.



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