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Everything posted by Flink

  1. So the net result for me will be that I will have to declare my income from my pension in the UK, which falls below the tax threshold there, so I can be taxed on it here in Thailand? Well, that seems fair......NOT!
  2. So if I'm reading this right, my UK pension now has to be declared when I submit my tax return. However, in the UK my pension falls below the minimum figure for tax so it is not taxed in the UK but could now be taxed in Thailand? How is that even legal?
  3. "We will no longer be offering personal current or savings accounts to retail customers with addresses registered with us outside of the United Kingdom, subject to limited exceptions." So I wonder how many Non-Dom millionaire's accounts are being shut down? I was always told by my father (who was in the banking industry) that banking was a SERVICE industry. These days the banks are being run more like hedge funds.
  4. The corruption works best face to face. Last year, for example, I discovered that a receipt for a fine (late reporting for 90 day) costs 1000 baht. With a receipt - 2000 baht, don't want a receipt - 1000 baht. (Pretty sure the 1000 didn't go anywhere near the government funds thought)
  5. Do not fix the apostille to the original. Have A certified copy made and fix the apostille to that but carry the original diploma with you when you come to Thailand, just in case some jobsworth wants to see it.
  6. Recently had run ins with 2 unscrupulous taxi drivers on a weekend trip to Bangkok. One guy wanted 750 for a 289 baht (Grab taxi fare), he got told politely (-ish) to go forth and multiply. The following night a I ordered a Grab taxi to go to the Impact Centre. Instead he took me to Si Lom then swore blind it was where I had booked to go. Contacted Grab and they said they'd remove him from their pool while they investigated. Still left me having to fork out for another car to get to where I was planning to be. No word from Grab about a refund/formal written apology. My bet is he was back in the pool within an hour conning more foreigners.
  7. True, forgetting to pay a sixty quid parking fine I can believe, but netting 27 million, as Chancellor, and forgetting to pay tax on it? Nah, that boat don't float! Although I think that by now (after much badgering from the opposition party and the public) going after Zahawi, PM Sunak is extracting the urine somewhat, considering his wife's Non-Dom status and all the money she got from the lockdown fund.
  8. Didn't I read on here recently that the police were no longer going to give out the nationality of foreigners committing offences? mind you, it was right next to an article doing that very thing so........
  9. And that makes it okay how? I can understand why they might charge TOURISTS more, but expats?
  10. Yep, people searched, then read online stats and info about masks, lethal roads, corruption etc. and decided to go to Bogota where it's safer!????
  11. Well, thanks to the current administration there the first language is rapidly becoming Spanish!????
  12. If she'd been covered by a suitable, tested and approved, full face crash helmet she might have fared better.
  13. To be fair, they are brought up in an education system that, on occassion, actively promotes copying/cheating. So why wouldn't they think it was okay to carry that principle forward in their working lives? Many, had they been in any other country, would probably still be redoing 5th grade for the umpteenth time in the hope of graduating to 6th grade. Without cheating/copying most of them would not have graduated high school. I wonder if they apply their school practices to crime reports too, handing them all in just before the promotion board sits or just in time for the annual audit rather than immediately after the crime. Seems they're allowed to do that with homework/assignments in school so why not at work?
  14. And we all know the highest level of transparency they can achieve is akin to trying to see through a housebrick!
  15. Yeah, because there's no way people could spread the virus as much between 11am and 2am as they can between 2am and 4am!????
  16. Oh yeah, they love a PA system. I live across the road from a barracks and the drill instructors use a PA system to drill the troops. Odd that they should need to do that. My mates and I worked on a drill square 4 x the size of the one here and never felt the need to use a PA system. Then again, show an Asian a microphone and they'll grab it like it was the Kulinar Diamond!
  17. Can't be legwork by the plod. A bar that has no licence, surely it is open during normal working hours. Do the police not get regular licensing updates? Surely they have known this place existed and was operating illegally for ages. More likely that the envelopes weren't full enough for the number of people hanging out in there and THAT'S why it was raided.
  18. It's not that the matches were being shown outside of Thailand that irks FIFA, it's that they weren't getting paid millions. For FIFA it's no longer about the football, it's only about the money. The top brass at FIFA all suffer from Blatter syndrome.
  19. Meanwhile in the USA the ecofarts and climate activists are fighting against nuclear as an option. Touch of the NIMBY from the US then.
  20. What's "clean" about massive graveyards of windfarm turbine blades and solar panels?
  21. To be fair, Thailand is well on it's way to being a cashless society. After all, half the population don't have a pot to p1$$ in already. And those with houses and crs don't have any cash because as soon as their "money" is electronically transferred to their account it's transferred out again to pay the house, car, credit card loans. Going cashless in a country where the average personal debt level is 89% of the GDP per capita just makes no sense.
  22. Ah, so now all becomes clear. They are giving a hollidays to people in Bangkok during the Apec, not because of pollution but because those 8,000,000 baht+ i7's won't last 5 minutes in a trafic jam. Wonder how many they bought?
  23. I reckon, if he is in SE Asia he'll be pretty safe. The British police can't find 300+ groomers, rapists and traffickers on their own doorstep. Oh, but wait, they might make more of an effort based on his ethnicity/religion.
  24. This was not evidence she gave, it was her impact statement given at the end of the trial. By the time she gave her impact statement all evidence would have already been given to the jury. This was just the court giving her a chance to add to the evidence how the event had affected her. It does not require evidentiary statements, they have already been given in the trial.
  25. But what, precisely, is "fully vaccinated"? Since the efficacy of the vaccine boosters in terms of time protected varies wildly from vaccine to vaccine and person to person. Plus, as many have said, it won't stop you catching Covid, or spreading it (much like the masks). So, is 5 boosters fully vaccinated? what about in 4 months time? Will 6 boosters be?
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