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Everything posted by Flink

  1. I live in a quiet soi with 12 soi dogs and one owned dog running about 24 hours a day. Other than the 11.00pm howl and the occassional scuffle between themselves the dogs are harmless, most of them running away from humans, even those of us who see and feed them each day. In 3 years in Thailand the only time I have had problems with dogs they have been owned dogs. Bitten by a lab cross that got out of the gate to the property, attacked by a Rotti that jumped a garden wall to get at me and, most recently, attacked by a collie cross that lives in the next soi as I was cycling by. It is definitely an owner problem if these dogs attack. I have had, trained, and worked with many breeds and 9 times out of 10 it is how the owners train and treat the dogs that leads to them becoming aggressive. And as for the breed being dangerous, my ex wife had a Ppillon that attacked a copper in the UK. Hardly a dangerous breed but when she refused to walk or train it the dog became terrotorial and aggressive towards strangers. Start by licensing dogs and licensing breeders. Soi dog foundation and other charities to a good job of neutering soi dogs but dog owners should be made to do the same. If you are not a licensed dog breeder your dog doesn't need nuts!
  2. Stop them driving on their Thai driving licence for 6 months after arrival. Make them get an IDP and take a national driving test before they can get behind the wheel in another country.
  3. Yep, their attitude is "Let's keep increasing the duty on imported beers so everyone drinks ours as the affordable option, and not allow any - even personal - brewing in the country then we can all have a new Mercedes every year on the kickbacks from the big brewers." This country's relationship with alcohol is just wierd, Buddhist country (supposedly) that bans alcohol sales for Buddhist holidays and whenever else they feel like it. Either go full booze ban on religious grounds or open up the market to free enterprise. don't <deleted> around in the middle just to stay rich at the cost of your population!
  4. Start with their own then. I nearly got taken out, along with 2 students, by a traffic cop on his PCX hammering through as we crossed the road ON A CLEARLY MARKED PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. Had he been heading to an incident he might have had an excuse if he had blues and twos on. What he actually did was pull in at a raodside food stall 150m down the road and get his lunch.
  5. Mere coincidence that he decides to come out with this statement when the court are about to adjudicate on the suspended PM's situation re: remaining as PM. Veiled threat or omniscience?
  6. Makes about as much sense as all those people who went out and burned their $600 Nike shoes when something bad appeared in the press about the company. Some folks were actually going out and buying new pairs of the shoes just so they could virtue signal that they were against the company.
  7. Maybe because he was sending envelopes the right way but now he's retired he decided to pack up and leave LOS with his millions and the powers that be haven't finished milking him?
  8. Let's be honest, with so many vehicles with heavy tint on the windows how can the police even see if the driver and passengers are wearing seatbelts. There's a damn good reason most countries limit the degree of tint permitted on side and fronfront side windows and/or ban the tinting of windscreens. Hard to enforce a law if you can't see it's being broken.
  9. Answer yes to more than 60% of those and get handed a contract to join the RTP
  10. So staying open until 4.00am will cause more drink driving and road deaths. Let me think, who does the driving? The tourists who want to party until the wee small hours don't tend to have Fortuners and Isuzu pickup trucks, which seem to be involved in a large number of the accidents, along with motorcycles. Now, there may be tourists who hire a motorcycle but somehow I don't see them taking it for a night out in Soi Cowboy for fear of it getting nicked. All in all I think these "prominent doctors" would be better occupied retraining as orthopaedic surgeons and implanting some spines into the police who fail to deal properly with the drunk driving all around them. Get more patrols on the roads and tougher penalties for drunk driving and maybe the problem will sort itself out.
  11. The figures quoted are over the last 6 months, not 12
  12. And, as far as the helmets are concerned, it's not as if many of them don't know it is a legal requirement (though rarely, if ever, enforced by the police) but their attitude is "I have a helmet, see, there it is hanging on the handlebars. What? You expect me to wear it on my head pulled down and with the strap done up? Can't I just perch it on top of my head? No? So how am I meant to use my phone when doing 50mph along the street?"
  13. There must have been some serious envelope filling going on before that vote....
  14. Or an additional 300 on the tourist tax to cover Monkeypox treatment?
  15. Are we sure we want them to do it all online, given how often these online systems get breached here? Although, I do think it is high time that they implemented a system where the only documents you bring for visa, work permit, etc. renewal are those that have changed since your last renewal. That would, at least, reduce the amount of waste paper they acrue.
  16. Better than the 20,000 baht+ being charged online. However, even 80plus quid for what amounts to an exhibition match is still way over what it's worth.
  17. Add to that the risk factor in 7/11. Went into one the other day, standing at the till paying for my stuff and a guy walks in, puts his hand up to the thermometer gizmo and it goes bats@#t crazy beeping. Two staff less than 6ft from it do nothing. I looked and it was showing 37.8 degrees. Staff did nothing, he then walks up to where i'm standing and pushes in to tell the staff member serving me to put two sausages in the grill for him (which he did) before heading off around the shop. So much for Covid awareness at 7/11. No point having the temp scan equipment if the staff don't know/don't care enough to do anything when it goes off.
  18. Well, A-Nut-In has had six and still caught it and then was at the airport 4 days later for a press junket. Makes you wonder whether it's worth all the hassle.
  19. Why? They're obviously not achieving anything. 90+% of the locals around here are wearing them (even when driving alone in their car for heaven sake!) and yet the numbers of students reporting sick and self quarantining is higher now than at any point since Covid raised it's ugly head. So how are they getting it? They're masked, everyone at school, on the bus, in the streets is masked, but more and more are being diagnosed Covid positive. If the masks are the answer, why are they, obviously, not working? Make mask wearing optional for everyone and let people get back to as near normal a life as they can.If shops, schools, public buildings want to keep the mandate then that's their choice, but individuals should have the ability to decide for themselves when and where to wear one.
  20. And wasn't A-Nut-In in the paper just last week because he'd come back from an overseas trip and tested positive for Covid? What's the point in having a big press junket (apart from self-agrandisement and ego boosting) about "endemic era Covid" when they refuse to classify it as endemic? And as for boosters every 4 to six months... why? A-Nut-In has had 6 shots and still got infected and since there are no long term studies yet in to the effects of repeated doses of the vaccines, has the government got a contract with Pfizer and Moderna to provide the human trials of repeated dosing?
  21. So, Bangkok is placed 2nd in the world by a company that is basically interior designers for offices. Whoopee doo. And for their next trick TAT will find a tyre fitters in Swindon that will name Thailand No. 1 in the world for tyre changing facilities. They do so love to big themselves up, don't they.
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