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Posts posted by warcy

  1. Does anyone know what are the documents required to apply for residence certificate at Chiang Mai immigration? 


    What is the waiting time for a free certificate these past one or two months?



  2. 3 hours ago, bloody tiger said:

    the actual voting process is by secret ballot behind a closed screen. The voter will go to designated poll, have their name ticked off and receive their ballot paper. They then go behind a closed screen to tick their ballot paper and slip it into the box. The voters name is not recorded on the ballot paper.
    You are free to vote for who like.
    So even if you are offered a bribe (sometimes several bribes by several different parties) they still don't have any guarantee that you will vote for them

    The voter's name is not recorded but each ballot has a serial number I believe and that can be traced to the actual name.




  3. Thanks for the answers everyone but I still need to hear from the lawyers themselves as to what the options are.


    Has anybody met any honest and reliable lawyers when buying their condos etc?

  4. Can anybody recommend a lawyer that is knowledgeable in property laws in Chiang Mai? It's regarding foreigners buying a property with land in Thailand. 


    Most important criteria I seek is that he/she must be honest, charge Thai price and reasonably good friendly service.


    The lawyer doesn't necessary need to speak good English as I can speak intermediate Thai.

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