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Posts posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. Sounds like there's more to the story. Who signs a promissory note without reading it? prostitution with an 82yo?! and last but not least selling a house for 60,000? Even in rural nowhere this sounds weird.


    More likely story: the couple was involved in drugs and prostitution to fund it, borrowed money from loan sharks and the amount kept piling up, grandpa bailed them out with a 500,000 loan which was never repaid. It's really amazing how poor with money management a lot of uneducated Thais are.

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  2. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    He implored the public to cease giving money to beggars as a long-term solution and assured that ministry officials are available around the clock to handle complaints.

    That's ultimately the solution, but unfortunately enough people do give them money to perpetuate the problem.

    9 hours ago, webfact said:

    “It’s difficult to remove all beggars because the fines are minimal compared to their earnings,”

    That's nonsense. Have police do daily and nightly patrols in areas they're known to operate, and round them up every day. Deport foreigners. The locals will stop once the fines pile up. It's really not that hard.


    As for "foreigners" - the usual clickbait - these beggars aren't western for the most part - they are from surrounding countries, which is how they manage to enter Thailand again and again after being deported. And yes they do "rent" children to beg - never give money to children beggars as you are just making it worthwhile for them to continue.

  3. On 6/10/2024 at 7:15 AM, MalcolmB said:

    Ok, so do those Thai boyfriends and husbands get jealous while they are sucking us dry?

    Not as long as they keep getting paid. Typically the guys are bums who gamble and drink (the types you see sitting on the floor drinking shirtless with tattoos all over), and the girls bring home the money. The only time they get upset is if the girl stops giving them money, or leaves them.


    A long time ago I knew a couple where the boyfriend was literally the pimp lurking around watching while she was freelancing. He would beat her up when she didn't get enough "business". In another case I found out that my rental gf at the time had a husband when he started threatening me over Facebook - turns out she left him so he went nuts. I was in another region of Thailand so just blocked him and that was that.


    I have no idea why these girls go for losers like that. Maybe it reminds them of home (Isaan)? or maybe they secretly wanna punish themselves for doing what they do? For the guys it's understandable - no normal girls would accept them, and they treat the girls like the girls treat foreigners - an ATM. 🏧

  4. 20 hours ago, actonion said:

    Finding an educated Thai girl with a  legal  degree is the problem

    If you try to find them at a gogo bar then yeah - quite hard.


    About 1 in 5 Thai girls have a bachelors degree, so finding them is quite easy. It doesn't mean much for the job market as a lot of those degrees are useless - my ex has a degree in English literature, she works in a hotel. Another has a degree in communications, she works at a gentlemen's club 🤣. But the ones who did go to university are more likely to be normal and want to date you and not your wallet.


    Hint: Bangkok and vicinity has a much higher concentration of educated women compared to Pattaya, Phuket, etc. The girls who move to work in the entertainment industry or auxillary industries aren't typically educated.

  5. I highly doubt they'll try to enforce any of the new rules, but if they do they won't be able to - people aren't going to accept paying taxes on income that's already been taxed in their home countries. Filing taxes and dealing with double-taxation treaties is one beaurocratic nightmare, but if it means not paying extra tax people will do it - but if they go beyond and try to grab a piece of the pie despite it already being taxed then there'll be a mass exodus of anyone who's making a decent income. Either way it's a net loss for Thailand as it will either have a beaurocratic nightmare dealing with all the tax reports with no extra revenue, or suffer a huge decline in money circulating the economy as expats will limit their stays or outright leave.

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  6. 18 hours ago, ElwoodP said:

    Women with partners tend to lose their looks very quickly. Applies to all women in LTRs worldwide.

    That tends to work both ways - men also let themselves go when they're shacked up, and women encourage it to maintain control "no baby don't diet - you look cute chubby!". But it really is a function of attraction and the need to attract - people who don't feel the need to attract anymore let themselves go.

  7. On 5/30/2024 at 4:57 AM, Pattaya57 said:

    - get 30 day extension - 1900 baht

    - do border run - approx 3500 baht

    - get 30 day extension - 1900 baht

    So your plan is to waste 3 days of your life doing this to save 3000 baht? I don't need DTV, but for someone planning on spending a lot of time in Thailand it's much better than visa runs and extensions. I've done the exemptions+extensions+trips route before, you spend so much time, energy, and money planning around all of that it's draining - much better having the peace of mind of a longer stay visa.

  8. On 5/29/2024 at 1:43 AM, elektrified said:


    Must maintain 500K Baht in the bank for the 180 day stay.

    I haven't seen any official source to confirm this, and I doubt that's true. The visa application would be made outside Thailand in your home country, so my guess is they'd ask to see funds in your bank account etc.


    If indeed you need to hold 500k uninvested in a Thai bank account, then the true cost (visa fee+lost yield) skyrockets to 50-60k a year. Doubt that's the case though.

  9. 1 hour ago, Dr. Zorg said:

    When frequenting these establishment, don't run a tab. Pay as you go. Beer by beer. First go to a 7/11. Buy a bottle of water, to get change for a 1,000 baht.

    If you have to go through all that just to not get scammed, you're in the wrong bar. Sick and tired of being scammed in Pattaya - had several times when I paid with 1000 and received no change, when asking about my change (politely!) been confronted aggressively "we already gave you change" (they didn't). I backed down because I didn't want to get in a fight, but also voted with my feet to never attend that ****hole.


    4 hours ago, webfact said:

    Despite efforts to obtain a comment from Helicopter Bar, owned by British nationals, the establishment has remained silent on the matter.

    Sometimes silence says a lot more than words. The fact that foreigners hire aggressive violent security AND don't even issue an apology in such an extreme case says everything. They simply don't give a ****, it's all about the money and **** the customers.

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  10. 12 hours ago, loong said:


    Why do the news reporters keep repeating the same slightly reworded paragraph yet manage to give very few actual details?

    Exactly my thoughts. Literally no details of what actually happened. The linked Examiner article gives a bit more details but also not much. One thing is clear though: the guy admitted to being drunk - why is the police not pursuing charges for drunk driving? or they cannot for some weird legal reason? It's quite amazing how many people in Thailand regularly drive drunk and fail to see how and why it is wrong. Police seems to very rarely enforce unless something (accident) happens.

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  11. 17 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:

    Ignorant vapers who just blow the huge waft of vape smoke into the air without a thought of those around them is disgusting. 


    The smoke that they emit is much more than a regular cigarette. 

    100% this.


    And the ridiculous part of it is they do it in non-smoking areas too, and venue owners allow it. Vapers constantly puff and it is by far more emissions than a normal cigarrete, it is not harmless. Why is it allowed in non-smoking areas?

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