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Everything posted by PingRoundTheWorld

  1. Why does it hurt you that people enjoy themselves? If they want to sit on their barstool all day and drink let them - as long as they're not hurting anybody they're actually providing value to the economy. But regardless- if you really want to drink on those days there are places open, just not public facing. If it's happening anyway then why not make it legal and official instead of those venues handing out brown envelopes? oh wait...
  2. Imported alcohol already has 300-400% taxes on it and is significantly more expensive than in countries that don't tax the hell out of it. Raising prices/taxes will not deter your favorite Benidorm crew, and will just harm ALL tourists. The only way to deter low budget tourists is to make everyone get a visa and prove financial viability - but that's unlikely to happen.
  3. Two completely separate issues. Short term rentals are it's own problem, but groups of Africans renting condo units long term and using them as base of operations has been growing exponentially. In my condo and a couple of other condos nearby there are many Africans now. Mostly sex workers, pimps, and drug dealers. Immigration would have a field day here if they just bothered to look into it. This is a recent thing - back when I lived here before Covid I barely saw any Africans in the building. To be clear - the problem is not that they're African - the problem is that they're prostitutes/pimps/drug dealers and taking over otherwise very nice condos.
  4. Isn't it already? Just look at the Chinese buying condos. What middle class? There's a simple solution: make it illegal for Thais to enter the casinos, allow only foreigners. Show your passport at the door or don't enter.
  5. Just putting it here: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/worlds-first-study-reveals-truth-34719574 We really don't know the full long term effects yet. It takes even cigarettes decades to kill, but they eventually do. 15 years is not that long, let's see in another 15 years. But all of this is irrelevant to me - I choke and cough uncontrollably when exposed to that crap, and get lung, throat, and nose irritation for a day or two if exposed to a lot of it. Smoke is a lot worse of course, but with smoke you can at least escape it usually. I'm sure I'm not the ony one - many of my friends cough a lot after a night out - they just don't realize it's because of what they've been second-hand breathing.
  6. Exacty my thinking. One blow with a concrete block is self-defense. Three is intent to harm or even murder. Hopefully for him the guy survives and he gets a slap on the wrist, but if he dies he's probably going to jail.
  7. I had a Hatari one for a while, tossed it out eventually because it only had a crappy filter without carbon, so it didn't filter out smoke, odors, etc. Got a Breeva instead and it does a much better job.
  8. Vaping has only become massively popular in the last few years. Give it time, it won't disappoint.
  9. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2240583146-s7643678166.html
  10. One can only wish... I do think there's been a decline in numbers - but nowhere near 94%. Likely causes are feeling unsafe, and much higher prices - which ironically they were a big part of causing. And China economy worries probably aren't helping either. Now do India please... they've totally taken over entire areas.
  11. The bottom two are already required, but never enforced. And that's the bottom line: it doesn't matter how many rules or laws they make - if they don't enforce them they don't matter.
  12. Realistically it's impossible to stop low quality tourists from coming in as long as there is a visa waiver. The IO doesn't know what kind of person is in front of them. If they were to require a visa from everyone and verify availability of funds then quality will rise substantially, but quantities will drop massively (which is not a bad thing IMO). Unlikely to happen. But it's not just tourists- also expats quality has gone down. With online gigs that bring them a few bucks a month young and broke expats are multiplying too. Often see them out spending very little and behaving poorly. The DTV no doubt is contributing to that trend too.
  13. I think social media has really dumbed down recent generations. All the "influencers" and dumbasses making pointless videos and feeding off of each other to get more "wild" (obnoxious). Especially in developed countries.
  14. While they do walk all over the place, especially the area between WS and Pratumnak, you rarely see them inside regular clubs. They mostly stick to their own clubs. Not really an issue for me. Ho Chi Minh on the other hand I've been a few times and have zero desire to ever go again - unless that's changed in the last few years, nightlife is very lame, especially weekdays, and the girls are cut throat pros - none of that Thai GFE.
  15. I wish both didn't exist, but with cigarretes you can at least escape the smoke. Vapes are now so popular and common that every other person in a night venue is sucking on it non-stop - it's absolutely impossible to go out in Pattaya without being constantly exposed to second-hand vape. In Bangkok many clubs have nonsmoking rooms - but for whatever reason which makes no sense they allow vaping.
  16. Thanks for the laugh. It's usually the girls who exploit tourists and expats. But I like to view it this way: we're providing much needed financial aid to single mothers (and entire families) in need. Speaking of exploiting - conversation between a girl and her bf while laying in bed next to me: Her - shhh it's my boyfriend calling Answers the phone: "What??" Him: what are you doing? Her: sleeping Him: where are you? Her: in my room Him: why I can't see (it's dark) Her: I'm sleeping. Talk later. Bye And you still think they're the ones being exploited? She's literally collecting a "paycheck" from him every month and sees him maybe twice a year.
  17. I don't know who wrote this and what's their agenda, but none of this is true: it's very much high season in Pattaya, the bars and clubs are flooded with tourists - so much so that the girls have become picky and prices have gone up to ridiculous levels. Taking a girl from a gogo has never been cheap, but now only the bar fine is 2-3k, on top of drinks, and some of the girls want 5k "tip"! Pattaya has never been "a family friendly destination" and will never be. P.S. Neither Terminal 21 nor Central Festival are new. Both have been here for years.
  18. Keep living in denial. It's a FACT vaping is just as dangerous as smoking if not more so. It's a nice excuse for smokers "I'm not smoking, just inhaling harmless vapor" - but it's not harmless, especially not when the vape fluid comes from questionable sources like China.
  19. Why is this **** not illegal? wait, it is, but they're doing nothing to enforce it.
  20. Selfish much? for someone who's here for a few days or even a week cutting away 1-2 days of their vacation due to a religious holiday for a religion they don't practice nor care about IS awful Yes, but in practice what happens is a bit different and differs between provinces. Pattaya yesterday some venues were open until midnight, some clubs completely closed, and a few clubs open until 2:45am. Tonight they all open around 11pm-midnight. Bangkok everything was closed after midnight yesterday, clubs mostly all closed, and will open tonight after midnight.
  21. Will achieve nothing except make life harder for bona fide customers, i.e. everybody.
  22. On more than one occasion I've heard tourists voice their frustration when they realized their vacation has been cut short a day. It makes absolutely no sense. Should at least allow tourist-oriented venues to serve.
  23. None of this is clear, but typically from past experience regartding late night venues (clubs): Pattaya - some venues open Tuesday night, everything closed Wednesday night. Bangkok - everything closed Tuesday night, all open Wednesday night at midnight.
  24. Who cares if it's home made or factory manufactured. Attempted murder is attempted murder - hope they do their job and put him away. Put all of them away for that matter, there's no inncent bystanders in these gangs of youths - today it's him, tomorrow it's another one.
  25. This level of obesity should be a crime. It's a wonder he made it to 30. Likely won't make it much more unless he changes his habits drastically. Good luck is all I can say...
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